
外側部;橈側部(前腕の伸筋区分の)Lateral part of posterior compartment of forearm; Radial part of posterior compartment of forearm(Pars lateralis compartimenti antebrachii posterioris; Pars radialis compartimenti antebrachii posteriori)

外側部;橈側部(前腕の伸筋区分の)【がいそくぶ;とうそくぶ(ぜんわんのしんきんくぶんの)】 These muscles originate from above the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, but their attachments are displaced to palmar. They are attached to the radius by fascia investing muscle groups and are covered by the antebrachial fascia. They act to flex the elbow joint.(前腕の伸筋区分の橈側部は短橈側手根伸筋、長と右側手根伸筋、腕橈骨筋がある。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy

