
偽腱索(心臓の)False chordae tendineae of heart(Chordae tendineae falsae; Chordae tendineae spuriae)

偽腱索(心臓の)【ぎけんさく(しんぞうの)】 Evolutionary vestiges of development of the walls of the heart. Connections vary between the papillary muscles and ventricular wall or parts of the wall. They can be part of the conducting system of heart.(乳頭筋を相互に結ぶ、または中隔乳頭筋を含む心室壁に付着する、あるいは心室壁を結ぶ細い糸状の線維索。心内腱索と異なり、房室弁尖に付着しない。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy

