
後縦束;背側縦束Posterior longitudinal fasciculus; Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus(Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis)

Schütz, Fasciculus of, Bundle of後縦束;背側縦束【こうじゅうそく;はいそくじゅうそく】 Important tract of efferent fibers from the hypothalamus to secretory and motor nuclei in the floor of rhomboid fossa. These are the nuclei of cranial nerves 111, VII, X, XII, as well as the ambiguus, solitary, and salivatory nuclei. It conveys impulses from taste and olfactory stimuli as well as motor impulses.(背側縦束は中脳から延髄にかけて中心灰白質の腹内側部にみれれる小さい神経線維束で、細い有髄線維を含む。上行性および下行性の比較的短い神経線維の連鎖であり、吻側では視床下部の室周線維に連絡する。自律性または内臓性情報の中枢伝導系の一つとされる。)


Rauber Kopsch

Band2(319; 320; 383; 386; 398)

Eduard Pernkopf

Pocket atlas of human anatomy


