
尾側亜核;尾部;尾側部(三叉神経脊髄路核の)Caudal part of spinal tract nucleus of trigeminal nerve; Caudal part of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve(Pars caudais nuclei tractus spinalis nervi trigemini; Pars caudais nuclei spinalis nervi trigemini)

尾側亜核;尾部;尾側部(三叉神経脊髄路核の)【びそくあかく;ぶぶ;びそくぶ(さんさしんけいせきずいろかくの)】 With its laminae I-V, the caudal part of the nucleus resembles a posterior horn of the spinal column in terms of structure. It mainly conveys pain and temperature sensation. It can be subdivided into the following parts.(三叉神経脊髄路の尾側部(下部)の層構造は4つからなり、脊髄後柱の層に類似する。第Ⅰ層の細胞は侵害刺激と温度刺激に反応し、第Ⅱ層および第Ⅳ層(大細胞層)三叉神経脊髄核の尾側部(下部)は前額部、頬および下顎と広い部位からの感覚を受ける。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy

