
中間亜核;中間部;両極間部(三叉神経脊髄路核の)Interpolar part of spinal tract nucleus of trigeminal nerve; Interpolar part of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve(Pars interpolaris nuclei tractus spinalis nervi trigemini; Pars interpolaris nuclei spinalis nervi trigemini)

中間亜核;中間部;両極間部(三叉神経脊髄路核の)【ちゅうかんあかく;ちゅうかんぶ;りょうきょくかんぶ(さんさしんけいせきずいろかくの)】 Part of the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve adjacent to the caudal part and distinguishable from it in terms of cytoarchitecture. Termination site for tactile afferents from the entire trigeminal nerve as well as cranial nerves VII, IX, X and cervical nerves.(三叉神経脊髄路核の中間部(両極間部)は主として顔面皮膚から感覚を受ける。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy

