
結合腕傍核Parabrachial nuclei(Nuclei parabrachiales)

結合腕傍核【けつごうわんぼうかく】 Nuclear complex in the rostral portion of the pons, located anteromedial and posterolateral to the superior cerebellar peduncle. They serve, among other things, as a site of synaptic transmission between the solitary nucleus, trigeminal nuclei, spinal cord, and thalamus, as well as the hypothalamus and limbic system.(結合腕傍核は中脳下丘の高さおよびすぐ尾側の高さで上小脳脚(結合腕)の内側および外側を取り囲む明瞭な細胞群である。孤束核から視床および視床下部に至る経路の中継核で、視床下部および扁桃体からの線維を受けている。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy

