
硬膜枝;反回枝(脊髄神経の)Meningeal branch of spinal nerve; Recurrent branch of spinal nerve(Ramus meningeus nervus spinalis; Ramus recurrens nervus spinalis)

Luschka, Recurrent nerve of硬膜枝;反回枝(脊髄神経の)【せきずいし;はんかいし(せきずいしんけいの)】 Branch that passes anterior to the spinal nerve through the intervertebral foramen to the meninges, where it forms a plexus with other meningeal branches. It contains sensory and sympathetic fibers.(脊髄神経の硬膜枝は脊髄神経の混合基部から出ると反転して椎間孔から脊柱管に戻り脊髄硬膜・後縦靱帯・椎間板の後外側縁・椎骨の骨膜に分布する。)

Rauber Kopsch

Band2(288; 486; 494; 543)

Eduard Pernkopf

Pocket atlas of human anatomy


