
島部;M2区(中大脳動脈の)Insular part of middle cerebral artery; M2 segment middle cerebral artery(Pars insularis arteria cerebri medii; Segmentum M2 arteria cerebri medii)

島部;M2区(中大脳動脈の)【とうぶ;M2く(ちゅうだいのうどうみゃくの)】 Portion of the vessel on the insula. The middle cerebral artery usually divides into two trunks on the limen insulae that proceed as the terminal branches and supply cortical regions. The convoluted trunks with the initial portions of the terminal branches lie on the insula and are referred to in clinical terminology as the 「Sylvian segment」.(中大脳動脈の島部は側頭葉と島の間の外側溝深くのM1区域の遠位で中大脳動脈から起こり、上下終枝と島枝を含む。)

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