
交通前部;P1区;後交通動脈前部(後大脳動脈の)Precommunicating part of posterior cerebral artery; P1 segment of posterior cerebral artery(Pars precommunicalis arteria cerebri posterioris; Segmentum arteria cerebri posterioris P1)

交通前部;P1区;後交通動脈前部(後大脳動脈の)【こうつうこうぶ;P1く;こうこうつうどうみゃくぜんぶ(こうだいのうどうみゃくの)】 Portion of the vessel between the bifurcation of the basilar artery and the opening of the posterior communicating artery. It lies in the interpeduncular cistern and crosses over the third cranial nerve.(後交通動脈のうち後交通動脈より前方の部分。)

Pocket atlas of human anatomy


