
大細胞性内側核(内側膝状体の);内側膝状体大細胞性内側核Medial magnocellular nucleus of medial geniculate body; Medial geniculate nucleus, dorsoanterior part(Nucleus medialis magnocellularis corporis gemicalati medialis)

大細胞性内側核(内側膝状体の);内側膝状体大細胞性内側核【だいさいぼうせいないそくかく(ないそくしつじょうたいの);ないそくしつじょうたいだいさいぼうせいないそくかく】 Part consisting of large cells that receives subcortical afferents conveying epicritic and protopathic sensibility as well as fibers from the superior and inferior colliculi. Cortical afferents come from the postcentral gyrus and parietal cortex. It sends projections to the temporal cortex.(内側膝状体核の大細胞部は内側膝状体の内側部を占め、腹側核と内側毛帯の間に位置する。)

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