- 711_00【Gallbladder胆嚢;タンノウ Vesica biliaris; Vesica fellea】 Pear-shaped organ measuring 8-12 cm in length.
- 711_01【Bile duct; Common bile duct総胆管;胆管 Ductus choledochus; Ductus biliaris】 Duct draining the gallbladder that is formed by the union of the common hepatic and cystic ducts and passes to the major duodenal papilla.
- 711_02【Common hepatic duct; Hepatic duct総肝管;肝管 Ductus hepaticus communis; Ductus hepaticus】 Part of the bile duct between the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts and the cystic duct.
- 711_03【Cystic duct胆嚢管 Ductus cysticus】 Duct that drains the gallbladder. It joins the common hepatic duct to form the bile duct.
- 711_04【Gallbladder mucosa; Mucous membrane of gallbladder粘膜(胆嚢の) Tunica mucosa vesicae biliaris】 Mucous membrane of gallbladder composed of simple columnar epithelium.
- 711_05【Mucosal folds; Rugae of gallbladder粘膜ヒダ;ヒダ(胆嚢の) Plicae mucosae vesicae biliaris; Rugae vesicae biliaris】 Mucosal folds that project into the lumen, producing a locular relief.
- 711_06【Muscular layer of gallbladder筋層(胆嚢の) Tunica muscularis vesicae biliaris】 Muscular coat in the wall of the gallbladder.
Hartmann's pouch
- 711_07Hartmann's pouch【Body of gallbladder; Corpus of gallbladder胆嚢体 Corpus vesicae biliaris; Infundibulum vesicae felleae】 Floor of the gallbladder, which is directed caudally.
- 711_08【Fundus of gallbladder胆嚢底 Fundus vesicae biliaris; Fundus vesicae felleae】 The body of gallbladder is attached to the liver.
- 711_09【Glands of bile duct; Bile duct gland胆管粘液腺;総胆管腺;胆管腺 Glandulae ductus choledochi; Glandulae ductus biliaris; Glandulae mucosae biliosae】 Mucous glands situated in the bile duct.
Heister's valve
- 711_10Heister's valve【Spiral fold; Heister's valve; Spiral valve of Heisterラセンヒダ;ハイスターのラセンヒダ;ラセン弁 Plica spiralis; Valvula spiralis】 Spiral-shaped fold in the neck of gallbladder and cystic duct.
- 711_11【Neck of gallbladder胆嚢頚 Collum vesicae biliaris; Collum vesicae felleae】 Part of the gallbladder that is separated from the infundibulum by a bend to the right.