- 027_00【Temporal bone側頭骨 Os temporale】 Bone located between the occipital, sphenoidal, and parietal bones. It consists of petrous, tympanic, and squamous parts.
- 027_01【Temporal squamous of temporal bone側頭鱗(側頭骨の) Squama temporalis】
- 027_01a【Squamous part of temporal bone鱗部(側頭骨の) Pars squamosa (Ossis temporale)】 The part of the temporal bone that is inserted between the sphenoidal, parietal, and occipital bones.
- 027_02【Petrous part of temporal bone岩様部;錐体乳突部;錐体;錐体部(側頭骨の) Pars petrosa; Pars petromastoidea (Ossis temporalis)】 The part of the temporal bone that contains the internal ear.
- 027_03【Mastoid region乳様突起部;乳突部 Regio mastoidea; Pars mastoidea】 Region overlying the mastoid process.
- 027_04【Cerebral surface of temporal bone大脳面(側頭骨の) Facies cerebralis ossis temporalis】Internal surface of the squamous part of the temporal bone that faces the brain.
- 027_05【Groove for middle temporal artery中側頭動脈溝 Sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae】 Groove that transmits the middle temporal artery.
- 027_06【Sphenoidal margin of temporal bone蝶形骨縁(側頭骨の) Margo sphenoidalis partis squamosae ossis temporalis】 Anterior border articulating with the sphenoid.
Meckel's groove
- 027_07Meckel's groove【Trigeminal impression三叉神経圧痕 Impressio trigeminalis】 Shallow depression on the anterior surface of the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone that lodges the trigeminal ganglion.
- 027_08【Superior border of petrous part錐体上縁;錐体稜(側頭骨の) Margo superior partis petrosae; Angulus superior pyramidalis (Ossis temporale)】
- 027_09【Groove for inferior petrosal sinus下錐体洞溝;錐体溝 Sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris; Sulcus petrosus】
- 027_10【Tegmen tympani鼓室蓋 Tegmen tympani】 Roof of the tympanic cavity located lateral to the arcuate eminence.
- 027_11【Posterior border of petrous part錐体後縁;錐体後角(側頭骨の) Margo posterior partis petrosae; Angulus posterior pyramidis (Os temporale)】
- 027_12【Internal acoustic opening内耳孔 Porus acusticus internus】 Opening of the internal acoustic meatus in the posterior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone.
- 027_13【Opening of cochlear canaliculus蝸牛小管外口;外口 Apertura externa canaliculi cochleae】 Opening of the cochlear canaliculus located anteromedial to the jugular fossa.
- 027_14【Posterior surface of petrous part錐体後面;錐体小脳面(側頭骨の) Facies posterior partis petrosae; Facies posterior pyramidis; Facies cerebellaris pyramidis】
- 027_15【Subarcuate fossa弓下窩;弓状下窩 Fossa subarcuata】 Depression located posterosuperior to the internal acoustic meatus for the fetal flocculus.
- 027_16【Intrajugular process頚静脈孔内突起;孔内突起 Processus intrajugularis】 Projection that divides the jugular foramen into a posterolateral part for the passage of the jugular vein and an anteromedial part for transmission of CN IX, X, and XI.
- 027_17【Parietal border of temporal bone頭頂縁(側頭骨の) Margo parietalis (Ossis temporale)】 Upper margin that articulates with the parietal bone.
- 027_18【Petrosquamous fissure錐体鱗裂 Fissura petrosquamosa】 Fissure located on the cranial base in front of the glaserian fissure and between the visible strip of the petrous part and the squamous part of the temporal bone.
- 027_19【Anterior surface of petrous part錐体前面;錐体大脳面(側頭骨の) Facies anterior partis petrosae; Facies cerebralis pyramidis】
- 027_20【Arcuate eminence弓状隆起 Eminentia arcuata】 Prominence in the anterior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone caused by the anterior semicircular canal.
- 027_21【Parietal notch頭頂切痕 Incisura parietalis】 Notch between the posterior border of the squamous part of the temporal bone and the superior border of the mastoid process.
- 027_22【Groove for sigmoid sinusS状洞溝(側頭骨の) Sulcus sinus sigmoidei; Sulcus sigmoides】 Groove in the posterior cranial fossa that lodges the sigmoid sinus.
- 027_23【Mastoid foramen乳突孔 Foramen mastoideum】 Opening behind the mastoid process for transmission of the mastoid emissary vein.
- 027_24【Occipital margin of temporal bone後頭縁(側頭骨の) Margo occipitalis (Ossis temporale)】 Border of the petrous part of the temporal bone that articulates with the occipital bone.
- 027_25【Groove for superior petrosal sinus上錐体洞溝;錐体稜溝 Sulcus sinus petrosi superioris; Sulcus petrosus superior】 Depression on the superior border of the petrous part of the temporal bone that lodges the petrosal sinus.
- 027_26【Opening of vestibular canaliculus; *External opening of vestibular aqueduct前庭小管外口;前庭小管口 Apertura canaliculi vestibuli; Apertura externa aquaeductus vestibuli】
- 027_27【Jugular notch of petrous temporal bone頚静脈切痕(側頭骨の) Incisura jugularis (Os temporale)】 Notch that forms the anterior margin of the jugular foramen.