- 1023_00【Auricular cartilage耳介軟骨 Cartilago auriculae】 Supporting framework of the auricle that is composed of elastic cartilage.
- 1023_01【Helix耳輪 Helix】 Outer, curved margin of the auricle.
- 1023_02【Scapha舟状窩 Scapha】 Groove between the helix and antihelix.
- 1023_03【Antihelix対輪 Antihelix】 Curved elevation in front of the tail of helix.
- 1023_04【Tragal lamina耳珠板 Lamina tragi】 Lateral part of the cartilage of acoustic meatus. It lies in front of the external acoustic pore.
→(外耳道軟骨の外側部。外耳道の外開口部の前方にある。 (Feneis))
- 1023_05【Fissura antitragohelicina対珠耳輪裂 Fissura antiragohelicina】 Deep furrow dividing the inferior portions of the antitragus and helix near its inferior end and the antihelix and helix near its superior end.
→(下方では対珠と耳輪の間、上方では対輪と耳輪の間の深い分界溝。 (Feneis))
- 1023_06【Tail of helix耳輪尾 Cauda helicis】 Posteroinferior end of the helix that is separated by a notch from the antitragus.
→(後下方にあり対珠とは溝で隔てられる耳介軟骨。 (Feneis))
- 1023_07【Isthmus of cartilaginous auricle耳軟骨峡 Isthmus cartilaginis auricularis】 Narrow junction where the cartilage of the external acoustic meatus and tragal lamina meet the auricular cartilage.
→(外耳道軟骨および耳珠板の耳介軟骨への狭い移行部。 (Feneis))
- 1023_08【Spine of helix耳輪棘 Spina helicis】 Small protuberance projecting anteriorly from the crus of helix.
→(耳輪脚から前へ下った小さい結節。 (Feneis))
Santorini's notch
- 1023_09Santorini's notch【Notch in cartilage of acoustic meatus外耳道軟骨切痕;外耳道軟骨孔 Incisura cartilaginis meatus acustici; Foramina cartilaginis meatus acustici externi】 Usually two anteriorly directed gaps in the cartilage of acoustic meatus that are bridged by connective tissue.
- 1023_10【Tympanic part of temporal bone鼓室部(側頭骨の) Pars tympanica (Os temporale)】 The part of the temporal bone that forms most of the wall of the bony acoustic meatus except for the posterior, superior portion.
- 1023_11【Styloid process of temporal bone茎状突起(側頭骨の) Processus styloideus (Ossis temporale)】 Long bony process in front of the stylomastoid foramen. It is a relic of the hyoid arch.
- 1023_12【Cartilage of acoustic meatus外耳道軟骨 Cartilago meatus acustici; Cartilago meatus acustici externi】 Cartilage connected with that of the auricle. It forms a furrow that opens superiorly and posteriorly.
→(耳介の軟骨と関連があり、上方と後方の開いた溝をなす。 (Feneis))