- 555_01【Superior vena cava上大静脈 Vena cava superior; Vena cava cranialis】
- 555_02【Right pulmonary veins右肺静脈 Venae pulmonales dextrae】 The two right pulmonary veins which occasionally unite to form a single trunk.
→(2本あるが、時に合流して1本の幹となる。 (Feneis))
- 555_02a【Pulmonary veins肺静脈 Venae pulmonales】 Blood vessels leading from the lungs to the heart.
- 555_03【Right atrium右心房 Atrium cordis dextrum; Atrium dextrum】
- 555_04【Inferior vena cava下大静脈 Vena cava inferior; Vena cava caudalis】 It arises at the union of the right and left common iliac veins, lies on the right side of the aorta, and opens into the right atrium of the heart.
- 555_05【Right ventricle右心室 Ventriculus dexter】
- 555_06【Ascending aorta上行大動脈;大動脈上行部 Pars ascendens aortae; Aorta ascendens】 Ascending part of the aorta up to its exit from the pericardium.
- 555_07【Pericardium心膜 Pericardium】 Lubricant-containing sheath enclosing the heart. It consists of a fibrous layer and a double-layered serous coat.
→(心膜は心臓と大血管起始部の被覆と活動のための膜。外層の線維性心膜fibrous pericardiumと内層の漿膜性心膜serous pericardiumの2層からなる閉鎖嚢。漿膜性心膜は心臓表面を直接おおう臓側板(心外膜)と線維性心膜の内面をおおう壁側板にわけられる。線維性心膜は強靱な膜で、大血管の壁につづき、心臓を固定・保持するとともに、その急激な過度の拡張を防ぐ。さらに心臓は心膜腔で囲まれ、潤滑な心膜性心膜で包まれるので、摩擦なく拍動することができる。)
- 555_08【Pulmonary trunk; Pulmonary artery肺動脈幹;肺動脈 Truncus pulmonalis; Arteria pulmonarlis】 Arterial trunk that ascends in the pericardium. It divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries at the level of the reflection of the serous pericardium.
Thiele's canal
- 555_09Thiele's canal【Transverse pericardial sinus心膜横洞 Sinus transversus pericardii】 Passageway in the pericardial cavity behind the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk and in front of the veins.
- 555_10【Anterior interventricular sulcus前室間溝 Sulcus interventricularis anterior】 Longitudinal groove on the anterior surface of the heart overlying the interventricular septum. It transmits the anterior branch of the interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
- 555_11【Apex of heart心尖 Apex cordis】 Part of the heart directed downward and to the left. It is formed by the left ventricle.