- 559_01【Parietal branch of superficial temporal artery頭頂枝(浅側頭動脈の) Ramus parietalis (Arteria temporalis superficialis)】 Posterior terminal branch of the superficial temporal artery, coursing to the temporal region and supplying the scalp. It anastomoses with its counterpart from the opposite side as well as with the posterior auricular and occipital arteries.
- 559_02【Superficial temporal artery浅側頭動脈 Arteria temporalis superficialis】 Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
- 559_03【Occipital artery後頭動脈 Arteria occipitalis】 Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
- 559_04【Auricular branch of occipital artery耳介枝(後頭動脈の) Ramus auricularis arteria occipitalis】 Branch passing beneath the sternocleidomastoid and running obliquely posterior to the auricle.
- 559_05【Anterior auricular branches of superficial temporal artery前耳介枝;耳介前枝(浅側頭動脈の) Rami auriculares anteriores; Rami praeauriculares (Arteria temporalis superficialis)】 Smaller branches supplying the auricle and external auditory canal.
- 559_06【Posterior auricular artery後耳介動脈 Arteria auricularis posterior; Arteria retroauricularis】 Third branch exiting dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the parotid gland and over the stylohyoid posterior to the auricle. It also supplies the muscles attached to the mastoid process and styloid process.
- 559_07【Parotid gland耳下腺 Glandula parotidea; Glandula parotis】 It occupies the retromandibular fossa, extending to the temporomandibular joint and the ramus of mandible.
- 559_08【Supratrochlear artery滑車上動脈;内側前頭動脈;前頭動脈 Arteria supratrochlearis; Arteria frontalis medialis; Arteria frontalis】 Ascending terminal branch of the ophthalmic artery traversing the frontal notch to supply the forehead. It anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, the supra-orbital artery, and superficial temporal artery.
- 559_09【Supra-orbital artery眼窩上動脈;外側前頭動脈 Arteria supraorbitalis; Arteria frontalis laterallis】 Artery running beneath the roof of the orbit on the levator palpebrae superioris and through the supra-orbital notch to supply the muscles and skin of the forehead.
- 559_10【Frontal branch of superficial temporal artery前頭枝;前枝(浅側頭動脈の) Ramus frontalis (Arteria temporalis superficialis)】 Anterior terminal branch of the superficial temporal artery. It supplies the forehead region of the scalp and anastomoses with its counterpart from the opposite side as well as with the supra-orbital and supratrochlear arteries arising from the internal carotid artery.
- 559_11【Zygomatico-orbital artery頬骨眼窩動脈;頬骨枝(浅側頭動脈の) Arteria zygomaticoorbitalis】 It passes superficially above the zygomatic arch to the lateral orbital margin.
- 559_12【Dorsal nasal artery鼻背動脈 Arteria dorsalis nasi】 Descending terminal branch of the ophthalmic artery. It exits the orbit between the trochlea of superior oblique and medial palpebral ligament. It gives off a branch to the lacrimal sac, penetrates the nerve of the orbicularis oculi, anastomoses with the angular artery of the facial artery, and proceeds to the dorsum of nose.
- 559_13【Transverse facial artery顔面横動脈 Arteria transversa faciei】 Covered by the parotid gland, it runs caudally from the zygomatic arch to the cheek.
- 559_14【Infra-orbital artery眼窩下動脈 Arteria infraorbitalis】 It enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure and travels in the infra-orbital groove and canal to the infraorbital foramen.
- 559_15【Angular artery眼角動脈 Arteria angularis】 Terminal branch of the facial artery in the medial angle of eye. It anastomoses with the ophthalmic artery via the dorsal nasal artery.
- 559_16【Superior labial artery; Superior labial branch of facial artery上唇動脈;上唇枝(顔面動脈の) Arteria labialis superior; Arteria labialis maximaris】 Branch supplying the upper lip that runs between the orbicularis oris and mucous membrane of mouth. It anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, the transverse facial artery, and infraorbital artery.
- 559_17【Inferior labial branch of facial artery; Inferior labial artery下唇動脈;下唇枝(顔面動脈の) Arteria labialis inferiorArteria labialis mandibularis】 Branch supplying the lower lip that runs between the orbicularis oris and mucous membrane of mouth. It anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, the submental artery, and mental branch of inferior alveolar artery.
- 559_18【Submental arteryオトガイ下動脈 Arteria submentalis】 Lying caudal to the mylohyoid, it supplies the mylohyoid, adjacent muscles, and submandibular gland. It commonly anastomoses with the sublingual artery.
- 559_19【Facial artery顔面動脈 Arteria facialis】 Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.