- 1005_00【Eyeball眼球 Bulbus oculi】
- 1005_01【Superior rectus muscle上直筋;上眼球直筋 Musculus rectus superior; Musculus retus bulbi superior】 o: Common tendinous ring, i: Along an oblique line passing anterior to the equator, 7-8 mm behind the corneal margin. Action: Elevation and intorsion of superior pole. I: Oculomotor nerve.
- 1005_02【Medial rectus muscle内側直筋;内側眼球直筋 Musculus rectus medialis; Musculus rectus bulbi medialis】 o: Common tendinous ring, i: About 5.5 mm from the corneal margin. Action: Adduction of the corneal pole. I: Oculomotor nerve.
- 1005_03【Inferior rectus muscle下直筋;下眼球直筋 Musculus rectus inferior; Musculus rectus bulbi inferior】 o: Common tendinous ring, i: Along an oblique line about 6 mm from the corneal margin. Action: Depression of the eye and extorsion of the superior pole. I: Oculomotor nerve.
- 1005_04【Lateral rectus muscle外側直筋;外側眼球直筋 Musculus rectus lateralis; Musculus rectus bulbi lateralis】 o: Common tendinous ring and lesser wing of sphenoid, i: 5.5 mm behind the corneal margin. Action: Abduction of the corneal pole. I: Abducent nerve.
- 1005_05【Superior oblique muscle上斜筋;上眼球斜筋 Musculus obliquus superior; Musculus obliquus bulbi superior】 o:Medial to the common tendinous ring on the body of sphenoid, i: After a hook-shaped course, obliquely behind the equator. Its tendon passes through the trochlea. Action: Abduction, intorsion, and depression of the eye. I: Trochlear nerve.
- 1005_06【Inferior oblique muscle下斜筋;下眼球斜筋 Musculus obliquus inferior; Musculus obliquus bulbi inferior】 o:Lateral alongside the nasolacrimal canal, i: Behind the equator. Action: Gaze elevation, abduction, and extorsion. I: Oculomotor nerve.