- 1019_00【Lacrimal apparatus; lacrimal organ涙器 Apparatus lacrimalis】 Structure serving to maintain the moistness of the cornea and conjunctiva.
- 1019_01【Lacrimal papilla涙乳頭 Papilla lacrimalis】 Single small, medial, conical elevation on each eye at the inner margin of the upper and lower eyelids on top of which the lacrimal punctum sits.
- 1019_02【Lacrimal punctum涙点 Punctum lacrimale; Punctum lacrimale inferius et superius】 Punctate beginning of the lacrimal drainage system situated on the lacrimal papilla.
- 1019_03【Plica semilunaris conjunctivae結膜半月ヒダ Plica semilunaris conjunctivae】 Fold at the medial angle of eye that connects the superior and inferior conjunctival fornices.
→(結膜半月ヒダは眼瞼結膜によってつくられる内眼角における上および下結膜円蓋の間の結合ヒダ。 多くの動物にみられる結膜粘膜にひだ。通常急速時には部分的に目の背部に隠れるが、鳥類にみられるように、角膜を清掃するためのウインク様の動作をすると、広がって角膜の一部または全体を覆う。)
- 1019_04【Lacrimal canaliculus; Lacrimal ducts涙小管 Canaliculus lacrimalis】 One duct present on each eye that measures up to 1 cm in length and extends from the lacrimal punctum to the lacrimal sac.
- 1019_05【Ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus涙小管膨大 Ampulla canaliculi lacrimalis】 Slight dilatation at the bend in the lacrimal duct.
- 1019_06【Lacus lacrimalis; Lacrimal lake涙湖 Lacus lacrimalis】 Space in the medial angle of eye around the lacrimal caruncle.
- 1019_07【Lacrimal caruncle涙丘 Caruncula lacrimalis】 Mucosal protuberance at the medial angle of eye with stratified squamous or columnar epithelium.
Maier, Sinus of
- 1019_08Maier, Sinus of【Fornix of lacrimal sac涙嚢円蓋 Fornix sacci lacrimalis】 Domelike space in the upper part of the lacrimal sac.
- 1019_09【Lacrimal sac涙嚢 Saccus lacrimalis】 Sac measuring about 1.5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide lying in the lacrimal fossa. Its inferior portion is directly continuous with the nasolacrimal duct.
- 1019_10【Frontal process of maxilla前頭突起(上顎骨の) Processus frontalis (Maxilla)】
- 1019_11【Periorbita眼窩骨膜 Periorbita】 Delicate periosteal covering of the orbit that is firmly attached to the bone at the entry and exit sites of the orbit. It is continuous anteriorly with the adjacent periosteum and posteriorly with the dura mater.
- 1019_12【Nasolacrimal duct; Lacrimal ducts鼻涙管 Ductus nasolacrimalis】 Duct arising directly from the lacrimal sac. Measuring 1.2-2.4 cm in length, it travels through the nasolacrimal canal and opens into the inferior nasal meatus. Its flattened lumen has a mucosal lining covered with stratified (dual-layered or multilayered) columnar epithelium that in places is ciliated.
Highmore, Antrum of
- 1019_13Highmore, Antrum of【Maxillary sinus上顎洞;ハイモア腔 Sinus maxillaris】 Largest of the paranasal sinuses of variable size. It extends in the maxilla to below the orbits and into the maxillary tuberosity. Its deepest point lies above the roots of premolar and first molar teeth. It opens below the middle nasal concha.
- 1019_14【Inferior nasal concha下鼻甲介 Concha nasalis inferior】 The independent lower nasal concha, which is attached to the lateral nasal wall.
- 1019_15【Inferior oblique muscle下斜筋;下眼球斜筋 Musculus obliquus inferior; Musculus obliquus bulbi inferior】 o:Lateral alongside the nasolacrimal canal, i: Behind the equator. Action: Gaze elevation, abduction, and extorsion. I: Oculomotor nerve.