- 682_00【Cartilaginous part of pharyngotypmanic tube; Cartilaginous part of auditory tube耳管軟骨部 Pars cartilaginea】 Anteromedial, cartilaginous part of auditory tube measuring about 2.5 cm in length.
- 682_01【Spine of sphenoid bone蝶形骨棘;角棘 Spina ossis sphenoidalis; Spina angularis】 Inferiorly projecting tip of the greater wing of the sphenoid.
- 682_02【Tensor veli palatini muscle口蓋帆張筋 Musculus tensor veli palatini】 o: Spine of sphenoid bone, scaphoid fossa, and anterior (lateral) lip of cartilaginous part of auditory tube, i: After changing direction at the pterygoid hamulus, its fibers merge with the palatine aponeurosis, stiffening the anterior (lateral) wall of the membranous lamina of auditory tube and tensing the soft palate. I: Mandibular nerve.
→(口蓋帆張筋は舟状窩、蝶形骨大翼下面の細い帯および耳管の膜性外壁から起始する。翼突窩のレベルで口蓋帆張筋はすでに腱に移行し、腱は翼突鈎をめぐって方向を転じて、水平に口蓋腱膜へ放射する。口蓋帆張筋は燕下swallowing or deglutionの時に耳管を開く作用がある。)
- 682_03【Mandibular fossa下顎窩 Fossa mandibularis】 Articular fossa of the temporomandibular joint.
Glaserian fissure グラーザー裂
- 682_04Glaserian fissure グラーザー裂【Petrotympanic fissure錐体鼓室裂 Fissura petrotympanica】 (glaserian fissure). Fissure located posteromedial to the mandibular fossa between the tympanic part and the visible strip of the petrous part of the temporal bone. Its medial part can lodge the chorda tympani.
- 682_05【External acoustic meatus; External auditory meatus外耳道 Meatus acusticus externus】
- 682_06【Tympanic part of temporal bone鼓室部(側頭骨の) Pars tympanica (Os temporale)】 The part of the temporal bone that forms most of the wall of the bony acoustic meatus except for the posterior, superior portion.
- 682_07【Styloid process of temporal bone茎状突起(側頭骨の) Processus styloideus (Ossis temporale)】 Long bony process in front of the stylomastoid foramen. It is a relic of the hyoid arch.
- 682_08【Pharyngobasilar fascia咽頭頭底板 Fascia pharyngobasilaris; Membrana pharyngobasilaris】 Uppermost, nonmuscular, membranous part of the pharynx. It attaches the wall of the pharynx to the base of the cranium. Corresponds to the submucosa
- 682_09【Levator veli palatini muscle口蓋帆挙筋 Musculus levator veli palatini】 o: Petrous part of temporal bone in front of the inferior opening of the carotid canal. Inferior border of the cartilaginous auditory tube, i: Palatine aponeurosis. It draws the soft palate backward and upward, also moving the dorsomedial cartilaginous part of auditory tube when the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube is opened. I: Vagus nerve.
- 682_10【Cartilaginous part of nasal septum; Cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tube軟骨部(鼻中隔の) Pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae】 Part of the nasal septum between the membranous and bony parts.
- 682_11【Pharyngeal opening of pharyngotympanic tube耳管咽頭口 Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae; Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae】 Funnel-shaped or slitlike opening of the auditory tube above the levator eminence at the level of the inferior nasal meatus 1 cm in front of the posterior wall of the pharynx.
→(口蓋帆拳筋の根元の上方で、後咽頭壁より1cm前方の下鼻道へ開く漏斗状の開口部。 (Feneis))
- 682_12【Posterior lip後唇(耳管咽頭口の) Labium posterius (Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae)】
- 682_12a【Torus tubarius耳管隆起 Torus tubarius】 Prominence behind the opening of auditory tube produced by its dorsomedial cartilaginous part.
→(耳管開口の後で、後内側の耳管軟骨によりできる隆起。 (Feneis))
- 682_13【Foramen spinosum棘孔(蝶形骨の) Foramen spinosum】 Opening posterolateral to the foramen ovale for the passage of the middle meningeal artery.
- 682_14【Isthmus of pharyngotympanic tube; Isthmus of auditory tube耳管峡 Isthmus tubae auditivae; Isthmus tubae auditoriae】 Narrow part of the auditory tube between the cartilaginous and bony parts.
- 682_15【Foramen ovale of sphenoid bone卵円孔(蝶形骨の) Foramen ovale (Ossis sphenoidalis)】 Opening for the passage of the mandibular nerve anteromedial to the foramen spinosum.
- 682_16【Lateral lamina of cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube外側板(耳管軟骨の) Lamina lateralis cartilagis tubae auditivae】 Low sheet of cartilage directed anterolaterally.
→(丈の低い、前外側に面する板。 (Feneis))
- 682_17【Scaphoid fossa; Scaphoid fossa of sphenoid bone舟状窩(蝶形骨の) Fossa scaphoidea】 Elongated depression on the root of the medial plate of the pterygoid process that lodges the thickened cartilaginous part of the auditory tube. The tensor veli palatini muscle takes origin at its lateral margin.
- 682_18【Pterygoid fossa翼突窩 Fossa pterygoidea】 Depression between the lateral and medial plates of the pterygoid process for the medial pterygoid muscle.
- 682_19【Membranous lamina of pharyngotympanic tube膜性板(耳管の) Lamina membranacea tubae auditivae】 Membranous part in the wall of the cartilaginous part of auditory tube.
→(耳管軟骨部の膜性部。 (Feneis))
- 682_20【Medial plate of sphenoid; Medial plate of pterygoid process; Medial pterygoid plate内側板(蝶形骨翼状突起の) Lamina medialis (Processi pterygoideus ossis sphenoidalis)】
- 682_21【Lateral plate of sphenoid process; Lateral pterygoid plate外側板(翼状突起の);外側翼状板 Lamina lateralis (Processi pterygoideus ossis sphenoidalis)】
- 682_22【Pterygoid hamulus; *Hamulus of medial plate of pterygoid process翼突鈎 Hamulus pterygoideus】 Hooked process on the end of the medial plate of the pterygoid process.