- 557_01【Superficial temporal artery浅側頭動脈 Arteria temporalis superficialis】 Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
- 557_02【Auricular branch of posterior auricular artery耳介枝(後耳介動脈の) Ramus auricularis (Arteria auricularis posterioris)】 Branch supplying the posterior side, and with penetrating portions, the anterior side, of the auricle and the small auricular muscles.
- 557_03【Occipital branch of posterior auricular artery後頭枝(後耳介動脈の) Ramus occipitalis (Arteria auricularis posterioris)】 Branch that passes over the mastoid process and anastomoses with the occipital artery.
- 557_04【Posterior auricular artery後耳介動脈 Arteria auricularis posterior】 Third branch exiting dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the parotid gland and over the stylohyoid posterior to the auricle. It also supplies the muscles attached to the mastoid process and styloid process.
- 557_05【Digastricus muscle; *Digastric muscle顎二腹筋 Musculus digastricus; Musculus biventer mandibulae】 o:Mastoid notch, i: Digastric fossa. It has an intermediate tendon that acts on the lesser horn of the hyoid bone by means of a connective tissue sling. Raises the hyoid bone and opens the mouth.
→(顎二腹筋は舌骨の上方にある細長い筋で中間腱で前腹と後腹との2腹に分かれる。その後腹をもって側頭骨乳突切痕で起始し、斜め前・下方へ走る。舌骨付近で後腹は中間腱に移行し、この腱は二分した茎突舌骨筋によって挟まれ、かつ線維性滑車によって舌骨に固定される。前腹(顎舌骨筋からは皮膚側へ位置しているが)は中間腱から起始し、下顎骨内面で下顎下縁近くの二腹筋窩に停止する。顎二腹筋の前腹(下顎神経の枝である顎舌骨筋神経の支配)と後腹(顔面神経の支配)とは神経支配が異なることは注意を要する。下顎が固定されているときには、舌骨を引き上げる。舌骨が固定されているときは下顎骨を後下方に引く。両者は発生学的にも由来を異にし、前腹は顎舌骨筋・口蓋帆長筋などとともに咀嚼筋と同類(鰓弓のうち顎骨弓mandibular archに属する筋)であり、後腹は茎突舌骨筋・アブミ骨筋などとともに顔面表情筋と同類(鰓弓のうち舌骨弓hyoid archに属する筋)である。ちなみに、咀嚼筋は下顎神経で支配され、顔面表情筋は顔面神経支配である。このように発生学的な由来を知れば、色々な筋の支配を整然と整理することができる。)
- 557_06【Posterior belly of digastric muscle後腹(顎二腹筋の) Venter posterior; Venter mastoideus (Musculus digastricus)】 Portion of the digastric muscle that passes from the mastoid notch to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
- 557_07【Occipital artery後頭動脈 Arteria occipitalis】 Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
- 557_08【Sternocleidomastoid muscle胸鎖乳突筋 Musculus sternocleidomastoideus】 o: Two-headed muscle arising from the sternum and clavicle, i: Mastoid process; superior nuchal line. Rotates the face to the contralateral side and bends the head to the ipsilateral side. Bilateral contraction elevates the face. I: Accessory nerve, cervical plexus (C1-C2).
→(胸鎖乳突筋は側頚部にある強大な斜めに縦走する浅層の筋。胸骨柄前面と鎖骨の胸骨端から2頭をもっておこり、両頭は合して強い筋腹をつくって後上方に走り、乳様突起および後頭骨の上項線につく。作用は複雑で、両側が同時に働くとオトガイを上げて後頭部を片側が働けば頭を対側にまわすが、その浅オトガイが対側に向かって上り、頭は逆に同側に傾く。支配神経は副神経外枝と頚神経叢筋枝(C2, C3)であり、したがって僧帽筋と同系の筋である。また、第6咽頭弓に発生する鰓弓筋で、鎖骨上窩を囲む2頭(胸骨頭と鎖骨頭)をもって始まる。胸骨頭は胸骨柄の上縁から、鎖骨頭は鎖骨の胸骨端から起こる。筋膜は頚筋膜浅葉に鞘状に包まれており、斜め上方に向かって幾分螺旋状に回転しながら頚部外側面を横切り、よく発達した腱となって乳様突起と上項線に停止する。筋の表面は、起始部で腹側に、停止部で外側に向く。参考:副神経外枝の僧帽筋枝は、外枝がこの筋に入る前に分かれることと、筋内で分かれて再び外に現れることがある。胸鎖乳突筋はドイツ語ではKopfnicker(頭をこっくりとうなずかせる筋)と呼ばれるが、これは作用の点からは正しくない。この筋が片側だけ収縮すると、頭はその側へ傾き反対側を振り向いて、あたかも「首をかしげる」状態になる。また両側の物が同時に収縮すると、頭を胴体にめり込ませるように働くのえある。Musculus sternocleidomastoideusというラテン名はあまりにも長たらしいので、米英では多少簡略化してsternomastoid muscleともよぶ。片側の胸鎖乳突筋が先天的に短い場合、または出産時の外傷などによって瘢痕化して短縮すると、この筋の作用を考えればすぐわかるように、頭は病側へ傾くと共に健側にねじれたままの状態になるこれを斜径torticolis, wryneck(性格には筋性斜径)といい、かなり頻度の高いものである。略語(SCM))
- 557_09【Sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery胸鎖乳突筋動脈;胸鎖乳突筋枝(後頭動脈の) Arteria sternocleidomastoidea; Rami sternocleidomastoidei arteria occipitalis】 Small branches supplying the sternocleidomastoid.
- 557_10【Superior root of ansa cervicalis; Superior limb of ansa cervicalis上根(頚神経ワナの);下行枝(舌下神経の) Radix superior (Ansa cervicalis); Ramus descendens nervus hypoglossus】 Root lying for a short distance on the hypoglossal nerve, then descending along the medial side of the internal jugular vein and passing into the inferior root.
- 557_11【Internal jugular vein; Jugular vein内頚静脈 Vena jugularis interna】 Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramer to the venous angle.
→(内頚静脈は脳、顔と頚の浅層からの血液を集める。この大きな静脈は、後頭蓋窩の後静脈孔で、S状静脈洞から直接つながって始まり、内頚動脈についで総頚動脈に沿って下行し、鎖骨下静脈と合して腕頭静脈に終わる。上端と下端では肥大しており、それぞれ頚静脈上球ならびに頚静脈下球とよばれる。内頚静脈に注ぐ根として蝸牛小管静脈、咽頭静脈、舌静脈、上甲状腺静脈、顔面静脈、下顎後静脈がある。内頚静脈と鎖骨下静脈とが合流するところを静脈角angulus venosusといい、左側の静脈角には右胸管が開口し、右側の静脈角の近くには右リンパ幹が注いでいる。)
- 557_12【External carotid artery外頚動脈 Arteria carotis externa】 It extends from the carotid bifurcation to its terminal division into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries posterior to the neck of mandible.
- 557_13【Internal carotid artery内頚動脈 Arteria carotis interna】 It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
- 557_14【Ascending cervical artery上行頚動脈 Arteria cervicales ascendens】 Artery lying medial to the phrenic nerve on the anterior scalene muscle. It can extend as far as the cranial base.
- 557_15【Deep branch of transverse cervical artery; Dorsal scapular artery深枝;肩甲背動脈(頚横動脈の) Ramus profundus; Arteria dorsalis scapulae (Arteria transversa colli)】 Vessel that arises either as a deep branch of the transverse cervical artery or directly from the subclavian artery (67%) and accompanies the dorsal scapular nerve. It supplies the medial borders of the scapulae and adjacent muscles.
- 557_16【Spinal branches of ascending cervical artery脊髄枝(上行頚動脈の) Rami spinales arteria cervicalis ascendentis】 Branches passing through the intervertebral foramina to the spinal cord.
- 557_17【Scalenus medius muscle; Middle scalene muscle中斜角筋 Musculus scalenus medius】 o:Transverse processes of C2-C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4-C8).
- 557_18【Scalenus anterior muscle; Anterior scalene muscle前斜角筋 Musculus scalenus anterior】 o:Transverse process of C3-C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5-C7).
- 557_19【Superficial cervical artery; Superficial branch of transverse cervical artery浅枝(頚横動脈の);浅頚動脈 Ramus superficialis (Arteria transversa colli); Arteria cervicalis superficialis】 Vessel arising either as a superficial branch from the transverse cervical artery or as an autonomous superficial cervical artery from the thyrocervical trunk. It passes alongside the accessory nerve to the superior part of trapezius and the levator scapulae and splenius.
- 557_20【Acromial anastomosis; Acromial arterial rete; Acromial rete (of thoracoacrominal artery)肩峰動脈網(胸肩峰動脈の) Rete acromiale (Arteria thoracoacromialis)】 Arterial rete on the acromion.
- 557_21【Acromial branch of suprascapular artery肩峰枝(肩甲上動脈の) Ramus acromialis arteria suprascapularis】 Branch penetrating the insertion of the trapezius and passing to the acromion.
- 557_22【Axillary artery腋窩動脈 Arteria axillaris】 Continuation of the subclavian artery that reaches the inferior border of the pectoralis major.
- 557_23【Maxillary artery顎動脈;上顎動脈 Arteria maxillaris】 Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
- 557_24【Transverse facial artery顔面横動脈 Arteria transversa faciei】 Covered by the parotid gland, it runs caudally from the zygomatic arch to the cheek.
- 557_25【Infra-orbital artery眼窩下動脈 Arteria infraorbitalis】 It enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure and travels in the infra-orbital groove and canal to the infraorbital foramen.
- 557_26【Mental branch of inferior alveolar artery; Mental arteryオトガイ枝(下歯槽動脈の);オトガイ動脈 Ramus mentalis (Arteria alveolaris inferioris); Arteria mentalis】 Terminal branch of the inferior alveolar artery, supplying the soft tissues around the chin and lower lip.B
- 557_27【Facial artery顔面動脈 Arteria facialis】 Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
- 557_28【Submental arteryオトガイ下動脈 Arteria submentalis】 Lying caudal to the mylohyoid, it supplies the mylohyoid, adjacent muscles, and submandibular gland. It commonly anastomoses with the sublingual artery.
- 557_29【Hypoglossal nerve [XII]舌下神経[脳神経XII] Nervus hypoglossus [XII]】 Motor nerve supplying the tongue. It emerges from the brain between the medulla oblongata and inferior olive with numerous roots. Traveling in the hypoglossal canal, it curves anteriorly between the internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery and continues over the posterior border of the floor of the mouth into the tongue.
- 557_30【Lingual artery舌動脈 Arteria lingualis】 Second anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It enters the tongue behind the greater horn of hyoid bone, where it is covered by the hyoglossus, and runs near the inferior surface of the tongue to its tip.
- 557_31【Suprahyoid branch of lingual artery; Suprahyoid artery舌骨上枝;舌骨枝(舌動脈の);舌骨上動脈 Ramus suprahyoideus; Ramus hyoideus (Arteria lingualis)】 Branch overlying the hyoid bone. It anastomoses with the branch from the opposite side and the infrahyoid branch of the superior thyroid artery.
- 557_32【Infrahyoid branch of superior thyroid artery舌骨下枝;舌骨枝(上甲状腺動脈の) Ramus infrahyoideus; Ramus hyoideus】 Branch coursing on the hyoid bone and anastomosing with its counterpart from the opposite side.
- 557_33【Superior laryngeal artery上喉頭動脈 Arteria laryngea superior】 It penetrates the thyrohyoid membrane and lies beneath the mucosa of the piriform recess. It supplies the upper portion of the mucosa and the inner laryngeal muscles. Principle laryngeal artery. It is connected with the inferior laryngeal artery.
- 557_34【Superior thyroid artery上甲状腺動脈 Arteria thyroidea superior】 Usually the first branch of the external carotid artery. It divides into the following seven branches.
- 557_35【Sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery胸鎖乳突筋枝(上甲状腺動脈の) Ramus sternocleidomastoideus】 Branch supplying the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
- 557_36【Common carotid artery総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis】 Artery of the neck without any branches. It runs on both sides of the trachea and larynx and passes deep to the sternocleidomastoid. It arises on the right from the brachiocephalic trunk and on the left from the aortic arch.
- 557_37【Inferior thyroid artery下甲状腺動脈 Arteria thyroidea inferior】 Artery passing along the anterior border of the anterior scalene muscle to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and then behind the common carotid artery to the thyroid gland.
- 557_38【Suprascapular artery肩甲上動脈;肩甲横動脈 Arteria suprascapularis】 Artery that usually arises from the thyrocervical trunk, crosses over the anterior scalene muscle, and runs over the superior transverse scapular ligament into the supraspinous and infraspinous fossae. It anastomoses with the circumflex scapular artery.
- 557_39【Thyrocervical trunk甲状頚動脈 Truncus thyrocervicalis】 Varying common trunk of the inferior thyroid artery, transverse cervical artery, and suprascapular artery.
- 557_40【Cutaneous branch of superior epigastric artery皮枝(上腹壁動脈の) Ramus cutaneus (Arteria epigastrica superior)】
- 557_41【Thoracoacromial artery胸肩峰動脈 Arteria thoracoacromialis】 It arises from the superior border of the pectoralis minor and distributes branches in all directions.