Rivinus' membrane
- 1030_00Rivinus' membrane【Tympanic membrane鼓膜 Membrana tympanica】 Membrane stretched diagonally at the end of the external acoustic meatus. It has a diameter of 9-11 mm.
- 1030_01【External acoustic meatus; External auditory meatus外耳道 Meatus acusticus externus】
- 1030_02【Margin of tympanic membrane鼓膜縁 Limbus membranae tympan】
- 1030_03【Lesser tympanic spine小鼓室棘 Spina tympanica minor】 Posterior border of the tympanic ring formed by the tympanic part of the temporal bone.
- 1030_04【Posterior malleolar fold; Posterior mallear fold後ツチ骨ヒダ Plica mallearis posterior】 Fold on the inner surface of the tympanic membrane that curves posteriorly with a concave inferior border from the root of the handle of malleus.
→(鼓膜内側面のヒダ。下へはくぼみ、後方へはツチ骨柄から弓なりにのびる。 (Feneis) TAではPosterior malleolar foldとなっているがPosterior mallear foldの方が適当なので併記してある。)
Shrapnell's membrane
- 1030_05Shrapnell's membrane【Pars flaccida of tympanic membrane弛緩部;シュラプネル膜(鼓膜の) Pars flaccida membranae tympanicae】 Smaller, flaccid part of the tympanic membrane above the anterior and posterior malleolar folds.
→((Shrapnell膜):前および後ツチ骨ヒダの上方部。 (Feneis))
Rivinus' notch
- 1030_06Rivinus' notch【Tympanic notch鼓膜切痕 Incisura tympanica】 Convexity between the greater and lesser tympanic spines. In newboms it is the gap between the upper ends of the incomplete tympanic ring. It is later filled by the squamous part of the temporal bone.
- 1030_07【Malleolar prominenceツチ骨隆起 Prominentia mallearis】 Small elevation on the outer surface of the tympanic membrane produced by the lateral process of the malleus.
→(鼓膜外側の隆起。ツチ骨の外側突起による。 (Feneis))
- 1030_08【Anterior malleolar fold; Anterior mallear fold前ツチ骨ヒダ Plica mallearis anterior】 Fold on the inner surface of the tympanic membrane that extends anteriorly with a concave inferior border from the base of the handle of malleus.
→(鼓膜内側のヒダ。下方へはくぼみをなしてのび、前方へはツチ骨柄の根元からのびる。 (Feneis) TAの代用語ではAnterior maleolar foldとなっているがAnterior mallear foldが適当なので併記してある。)
- 1030_09【Malleolar striaツチ骨条 Stria mallearis】 Lighter strip on the outer surface of the tympanic membrane that is produced by the handle of malleus attached there, visible through the membrane.
→(鼓膜外側面の明るい線条。鼓膜と癒着したツチ骨柄がすかして光ることによる。 (Feneis))
- 1030_10【Umbo of tympanic membrane鼓膜臍 Umbo membranae tympanicae】 Portion of the membrane lying at the tip of the handle of malleus that draws the tympanic membrane inward.
- 1030_11【Pars tensa of tympanic membrane; Tens part of tympanic membrane緊張部(鼓膜の) Pars tensa membranae tympanicae】 Much larger portion of the tympanic membrane that is stretched within the tympanic ring.