- 584_01【Supreme intercostal artery; Highest intercostal artery最上肋間動脈 Arteria intercostalis suprema】 Common trunk for the first two intercostal arteries.
- 584_02【Costocervical trunk肋頚動脈 Truncus costocervicalis】 Origin: posterior wall of subclavian artery, behind the anterior scalene muscle. Trunk of deep cervical artery and supreme intercostal artery.
- 584_03【Bronchial branches of thoracic aorta; Bronchial arteries気管支動脈;気管支枝(胸大動脈の) Rami bronchiales (Aorta thoracica)】 Their origin is highly variable, often at the level of the tracheal bifurcation. They ramify along the bronchi, extend to the bronchioles and supply their walls and the connective-tissue septa of the lungs. They form anastomoses with branches of the pulmonary artery.
- 584_04【Seventh posterior intercostal artery; 7th intercostal artery第7肋間動脈 Arteria intercostalis posterior VII】
- 584_05【Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery後枝;背側枝(肋間動脈の) Ramus dorsalis (Arteria intercostalis posterioris)】 Branch that passes posteriorly between the vertebral bodies and superior costotransverse ligament. It supplies the muscles and skin of back as well as the spinal cord and its meninges.
- 584_06【Posterior intercostal arteries; Intercostal arteries肋間動脈;後肋間動脈(第3~第11) Arteriae intercostales posteriores】 Paired tributaries arising from the posterior wall of the aorta, supplying the third through eleventh intercostal spaces.
→(現在の学名ではintercostalesの後にposterioresを付して命名されているが、日本名ではたんに肋間動脈とよぶ。古い学名BNAやINAではArteriae intercostalesであった。Posterioresを付した理由は、内胸動脈より分枝する前肋間枝(Rami intercostales anteriores)と対比した物である。したがって胸大動脈の枝としての肋間動脈は、第三から第十一にいたる9対の肋間動脈を指す。左右とも胸大動脈の背外側面より分岐するが、大動脈が脊柱の左側にあるため、右肋間動脈は左よりも長く、また分岐後ただちに脊柱の前面を横切ることになる。左右とも交感神経幹の背側を通ってそれぞれの肋間腔に入ると、ただちに背枝を分岐し、本幹はそのまま側方へ走って、はじめ側壁胸膜下でこれと内肋間膜の間を走るが、肋骨の外側部のあたりでは、最内肋間筋と内肋間筋の間を走る。各肋間隙を通るときは、同じ番号の肋間の下縁(肋骨溝)に沿って肋間静脈と肋間神経にはさまれて走るが、このときは前者は動脈の頭側に、後者は尾側にあるのが原則である。肋骨の外1/3と前1/3の境界のあたりで、内胸動脈の枝である前肋間枝と吻合しておわるが、下位の肋間動脈の場合は、その末梢は腹壁に入り、腹横筋と内腹斜筋の間を前進して上腹壁動脈や肋下動脈と吻合する。)
- 584_07【Right common carotid artery右総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis dextra】
- 584_07a【Common carotid artery総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis】 Artery of the neck without any branches. It runs on both sides of the trachea and larynx and passes deep to the sternocleidomastoid. It arises on the right from the brachiocephalic trunk and on the left from the aortic arch.
- 584_08【Right subclavian artery右鎖骨下動脈 Arteria subclavia dextra】
- 584_08a【Subclavian artery鎖骨下動脈 Arteria subclavia】 Artery that passes with the roots of brachial plexus between the anterior and middle scalene muscles through the scalene space, over the first rib in the groove for the subclavian artery. From the lateral border of the first rib, it continues as the axillary artery.
- 584_09【Thoracic aorta胸大動脈;大動脈胸部 Pars thoracica aortae; Aorta thoracica】 Part of the aorta descending to the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm at the level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra.
- 584_10【Diaphragm横隔膜 Diaphragma】 Dome-shaped musculofibrous septum dividing thoracic and abdominal cavities. I: Phrenic nerve.
- 584_11【Lumbar part of diaphragm腰椎部(横隔膜の) Pars lumbalis (Diaphragmatis)】 Part of the diaphragm that arises from the lumbar vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and tendinous arches.
Haller's tripus
- 584_12Haller's tripus【Coeliac trunk; Celiac trunk; Celiac artery腹腔動脈 Truncus coeliacus】 Frequently a common trunk of the left gastric, common hepatic, and splenic arteries at the level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra. The left gastric artery ca. also branch off of the aorta earlier.
- 584_13【Internal intercostal muscle内肋間筋 Musculi intercostales interni】 Muscles that extend between the intercostal spaces from the sternum to the costal angle, passing from anterosuperior to posteroinferior. Expiratory muscles; fixation of the ribs. I: Intercostal nerves.