- 600_01【Superficial branch of superior gluteal artery浅枝(上殿動脈の) Ramus superficialis (Arteria glutea superior)】 Branch lying between the gluteus maximus and medius. It anastomoses with the inferior gluteal artery.
- 600_02【Piriformis muscle梨状筋 Musculus piriformis】 o: Anterior surface of sacrum, i: Greater trochanter, medial aspect of the apex. Abduction, extension, and lateral rotation at the hip joint. 1: Sacral plexus.
- 600_03【Superior gluteal artery上殿動脈;上臀動脈 Arteria glutea superior】 Artery passing through the greater sciatic foramen over the piriformis into the gluteal region.
- 600_04【Gluteus maximus muscle大殿筋;大臀筋 Musculus gluteus maximus】 o: Ilium, behind the posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, i: Fascia lata, iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity, lateral femoral intermuscular septum, linea aspera. Extension, lateral rotation, abduction, and adduction at the hip joint. I: Inferior gluteal nerve.
- 600_05【Inferior gluteal artery下殿動脈;下臀動脈 Arteria glutea inferior】 After passing through the greater sciatic foramen, it runs beneath the piriformis, distributing branches beneath the gluteus maximus. It anastomoses with the superior gluteal artery, obturator artery, and circumflex femoral arteries.
- 600_06【Artery to sciatic nerve; Artery comitans to sciatic nerve坐骨神経伴行動脈 Arteria comitans nervi ischiadici】 Main leg artery from a phylogenetic view. It accompanies and supplies the sciatic nerve. It anastomoses with the medial circumflex femoral artery and perforating branches.
- 600_07【Quadratus femoris muscle大腿方形筋 Musculus quadratus femoris】 o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Intertrochanteric crest. Lateral rotation and adduction. I: Sacral plexus.
- 600_08【Medial circumflex femoral artery内側大腿回旋動脈;脛側大腿回旋動脈 Arteria circumflexa femoris medialis; Arteria circumflexa femoris tibialis】 It passes medially and posteriorly between the iliopsoas and pectineus.
- 600_09【Deep branch of medial circumflex femoral artery深枝(内側大腿回旋動脈の) Ramus profundus (Arteria circumflexa femoris medialis)】 Branch running below the lesser trochanter to the quadratus femoris, adductor magnus, and hamstrings. It anastomoses with the gluteal arteries.
- 600_10【First perforating artery (from deep artery of thigh)第1貫通動脈(大腿深動脈からの) Arteria perforans prima】
- 600_11【Proximal femoral nutrient artery近位大腿骨栄養動脈 Arteria nutricia femoris proximalis】
- 600_12【Second perforating artery (from deep artery of thigh)第2貫通動脈(大腿深動脈からの) Arteria perforans secunda】
- 600_13【Third perforating artery (from deep artery of thigh)第3貫通動脈(大腿深動脈からの) Arteria perforans tertia】
- 600_14【Distal femoral nutrient artery遠位大腿骨栄養動脈 Arteria nutricia femoris distalis】
- 600_15【Biceps femoris muscle大腿二頭筋 Musculus biceps femoris】 Two-headed muscle arising from the pelvis and femur, i: Head of fibula. Flexion at the knee joint, lateral rotation.
- 600_16【Short head of biceps femoris muscle短頭(大腿二頭筋の) Caput breve (Musculus biceps femoris)】 o: Lateral lip of linea aspera. I: Common fibular nerve.
- 600_17【Popliteal artery膝窩動脈 Arteria poplitea】 Artery extending from the end of the adductor canal to its division at the inferior border of the popliteus.
- 600_18【Superior medial genicular artery内側上膝動脈;脛側近位膝動脈 Arteria superior medialis genus; Arteria genus proximalis tibialis】 Artery passing beneath the tendon for the adductor magnus anteriorly to the genicular anastomosis.
- 600_19【Sural arteries腓腹動脈;腓腹枝(膝窩動脈の) Arteriae surales】 Branches supplying the calf muscles, and the fascia and skin of the leg.
- 600_20【Deep branch of superior gluteal artery深枝(上殿動脈の) Ramus profundus (Arteria gluteus superior)】 Branch lying between the gluteus medius and minimus.
- 600_21【Gluteus minimus muscle小殿筋;小臀筋 Musculus gluteus minimus】 o:Ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, i: Greater trochanter. Abduction, medial, and lateral rotation, flexion, and extension at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve.
- 600_22【Gluteus medius muscle中殿筋;中臀筋 Musculus gluteus medius】 o: Lateral surface of ilium, i: Greater trochanter. Abduction, medial and lateral rotation, extension, and flexion at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve.
- 600_23【Superior lateral genicular artery外側上膝動脈;腓側近位膝動脈 Arteria superior lateralis genus; Arteria genus proximalis fibularis】 Artery passing above the lateral femoral condyle and beneath the tendon of the biceps femoris anteriorly to the genicular anastomosis.