- 968_00【Sole; Plantar region; Sole of foot足底部;足底 Planta; Regio plantaris】
- 968_01【Flexor hallucis longus muscle長母趾屈筋;長母指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor hallucis longus】 o: Fibula, i: Distal phalanx of great toe. Plantar flexion, supination, flexion of great toe. I: Tibial nerve.
- 968_02【Flexor digitorum longus muscle長趾屈筋;長指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor digitorum longus】 o: Tibia, i: Distal phalanges of the second through fifth toes. Plantar flexion, supination, flexion of toes. I: Tibial nerve.
- 968_03【Tibialis posterior muscle後脛骨筋 Musculus tibialis posterior】 o:Tibia, fibula, interosseous membrane, i: Navicular, cuneiform bones I-III, and metatarsals II-IV. Plantar flexion and supination. I: Tibial nerve.
- 968_04【Medial plantar nerve内側足底神経 Nervus plantaris medialis】 Thicker terminal branch of the tibial nerve. It travels beneath the flexor retinaculum and abductor hallucis to the sole of foot. It supplies the skin, abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis.
- 968_05【Flexor retinaculum of foot屈筋支帯[足の];破裂靱帯 Retinaculum musculorum flexorum pedis; Ligamentum laciniatum】 Multilayered band situated over the long flexor tendons passing from the medial malleolus to the calcaneus. Its superficial portion invests the tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery and veins. Its deep portion forms an osteofascial canal with compartments containing the posterior tibial flexor muscles, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus.
- 968_06【Muscular branches of medial plantar nerve筋枝(内側足底神経の) Rami musculares (Nervus plantaris medialis)】
- 968_07【Quadratus plantae muscle; Flexor accessorius muscle足底方形筋;副趾屈筋 Musculus quadratus plantae; Musculus flexor accessorius】 o: Calcaneus. i: Lateral border of tendon of flexor digitorum longus. Toe flexion and support of longitudinal arch of foot. I: Lateral plantar nerve.
→(足底方形筋は踵骨底側面に起こり、長趾屈筋の腱に停止する。同筋は副趾屈筋とも呼ばれるが、それは長趾屈筋の停止腱が趾を引く方向を矯正するからである(趾の底屈時)。外側部の趾へ行く腱は、線維性の腱鞘によって長軸方向に固定される前に、中足骨上を斜走する。この腱の斜走は足底方形筋の索引によって中足骨長軸に沿った方向となる。外側足底神経の支配を受ける。この筋の収縮により長趾屈筋腱は後方へ引っ張られるために、第2~5趾の屈曲が得られる。 踵骨からおこって長母趾屈筋腱に停止し、その補助に働く。神経支配:外側足底神経。(イラスト解剖学))
- 968_08【Abductor hallucis muscle母趾外転筋;母指外転筋(足の) Musculus abductor hallucis】 o: Calcaneal tuberosity. i: Medial sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of great toe. Medial abduction, supports longitudinal arch of foot. I: Medial plantar nerve.
→(母趾外転筋は踵骨隆起の内側突起、屈筋支帯および足底腱膜から起始する。腱となり内側種子骨を介して母趾の基節骨底内側面および短母趾屈筋の内側腱に停止する。内側足底神経の支配を受ける。この筋の収縮は母趾の屈筋と外転とをもたらす(体重を支えていない下肢の場合)。また、体重を支えている下肢においては、この筋の収縮が内側縦足弓の維持に役立つ。 )
- 968_09【Adductor hallucis muscle母趾内転筋;母指内転筋(足の) Musculus adductor hallucis】 Muscle comprised of the following two heads. Supports the arch of the foot. Plantar flexion of proximal phalanx. Adduction of great toe. I: Lateral plantar nerve.
- 968_10【Oblique head of adductor hallucis斜頭(母趾内転筋の) Caput obliquum (Musculus adductor hallucis)】 o: Second to fourth metatarsals, lateral cuneiform bone and cuboid, i: Together with the transverse head on the lateral sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of great toe.
- 968_11【Flexor hallucis brevis muscle短母趾屈筋;短母指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor hallucis brevis】 o: Cuneiform (I), long plantar ligament, tendon of tibialis posterior, plantar aponeurosis. Forms the groove for the flexor hallucis longus. Plantar flexion of great toe. I: Medial plantar nerve.
- 968_12【Common plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve総底側趾神経;総底側指神経(内側足底神経の) Nervi digitales plantares communes】 Nerves to the interdigital spaces 1-4 of toes. They divide into the proper plantar digital nerves.
→(第一~第四趾の対向縁を通る神経。固有底側趾神経を分枝する。 (Feneis))
- 968_13【Transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle横頭(母趾内転筋の) Caput transversum (Musculus adductor hallucis)】 o: Joint capsules of third to fifth metatarsophalangeal joints, i: Together with the transverse head on the lateral sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of great toe. Mainly supports transverse arch of foot.
- 968_14【Proper plantar digital nerves固有底側趾神経;固有底側指神経 Nervi digitales plantares proprii】 Cutaneous nerves to the fibular and tibial flexor aspects of the medial 3 1/2 toes. They supply the distal phalanges, including their dorsal aspects.
- 968_15【Tibial nerve脛骨神経 Nervus tibialis】 Second terminal branch of the sciatic nerve arising from L4-S3. It travels through the popliteal fossa, passes deep to the tendinous arch of the soleus, and accompanies the posterior tibial artery around the medial malleolus to the sole of the foot.
- 968_16【Calcaneal tuberosity踵骨隆起 Tuber calcanei】 Tuberosity on the posterior aspect of the calcaneus.
- 968_17【Lateral plantar nerve外側足底神経;腓側足底神経 Nervus plantaris lateralis; Nervus plantaris fibularis】 Terminal branch of the tibial nerve. It passes below the flexor digitorum brevis alongside the lateral plantar artery to the base of the fifth metatarsal.
→((Netter)外側足底神経は、手における尺骨神経と相同である(図9)。屈筋支帯の深部に始まり、外側足底動静脈の内側に沿って足底を前外方にはしる。この神経は、短趾屈筋と足底方形筋の間、ついで短趾屈筋と小趾外転筋の間を通り、第5中足骨底近傍で浅枝と深枝に分岐して終わる。分岐以前に、外側足底神経は足底方形筋と小趾外転筋に筋枝を、足底腱膜を貫いて足底外側面を支配する皮枝を派生する。 浅枝は、固有足底趾神経と総底側視神経とに分かれる。固有足底趾神経は、足底および先端を含む小趾の外側面の皮膚と筋膜を支配し、また、小趾屈筋および第4中足間の骨間筋に対して筋枝を出し、第5中足趾節関節と趾節間関節に枝を送る。総底側趾神経は2本の固有足底趾神経に分岐し、各枝は第4、第5趾の足底面と側面の皮膚と筋膜、およびこれらの趾の爪床を支配する。深枝は内方へカーブして、趾屈筋群と腱と母趾内転筋斜頭の深部表面上にある足底動脈弓に伴行する。母趾内転筋、第2,第3,第4虫様筋、ならびに内側3中足骨の間にある骨間筋へ筋枝を出し、足底動脈球と近くの関節へ小枝を送る。)
- 968_18a【Abductor diditi minimi muscle of foot小趾外転筋;小指外転筋(足の) Musculus abductor digiti minimi pedis】 o:Pisiform, flexor retinaculum. i: Proximal phalanx of little finger. Abduction. I: Ulnar nerve.
- 968_19【Flexor digitorum brevis muscle短趾屈筋;短指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor digitorum brevis】 o: Calcaneal tuberosity and plantar aponeurosis. i: Its divided tendons insert onto the middle phalanges of the second through fifth toes. Flexion of metatarsophalangeal and middle phalangeal joints, support of longitudinal arch of foot. I: Medial plantar nerve.
- 968_20【Articular branch of lateral plantar nerve関節枝(外側足底神経の) Ramus articularis (Nervus plantaris lateralis)】
- 968_21【Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve浅枝(外側足底神経の) Ramus superficialis (Nervus plantaris lateralis)】 Mainly sensory, superficial branch.
- 968_22【Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve深枝(外側足底神経の) Ramus profundus (Nervus plantaris lateralis)】 It accompanies the deep plantar arch to the interossei, adductor hallucis, and three lateral lumbricals.
- 968_23【Muscular branches of lateral plantar nerve筋枝(外側足底神経の) Rami musculares (Nervus plantaris lateralis)】
- 968_24【Opponens digiti minimi of foot小趾対立筋;小指対立筋(足の) Musculus opponens digiti minimi pedis】 Part of the flexor digiti minimi brevis that is occasionally present.o:Distal half of fifth metatarsal.
- 968_25【Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot短小趾屈筋;短小指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis】 o: Base of fifth metatarsal and long plantar ligament, i: Proximal phalanx of little toe. Flexion and abduction of little toe. 1: Lateral plantar nerve.
- 968_26【Plantar interosseous muscles底側骨間筋 Musculi interossei plantares】 o: Muscle arising from a single head on third through fifth metatarsals. i: Bases of proximal phalanges. Adduction and flexion at metatarsophalangeal joints. I: Lateral plantar nerve.
- 968_27【Lumbrical muscles of foot虫様筋[足の] Musculi lumbricales pedis】 o: Tendons of flexor digitorum longus. i: Bases of proximal phalanges of second through fifth toes. Flexion at metatarsophalangeal joint, movement of toes toward great toe. I: Medial and lateral plantar nerves.
- 968_28【Common plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve総底側趾神経;総底側指神経(外側足底神経の) Nervi digitales plantares communes】 Two branches, one of which passes to the little toe and gives off a branch to the flexor digiti minimi brevis; the other to the space between the fifth and fourth toes.
→(1本は小趾へ (Feneis))
- 968_29【Proper plantar digital nerves固有底側趾神経;固有底側指神経 Nervi digitales plantares proprii】 Nerves that supply the fibular and tibial sides of the little toe as well as the fibular side of the fourth toe.
→(小趾の腓側および脛側、ならびに第四趾の腓側へいたる枝。 (Feneis))