- 545_01【Ascending aorta上行大動脈;大動脈上行部 Pars ascendens aortae; Aorta ascendens】 Ascending part of the aorta up to its exit from the pericardium.
- 545_02【Anterior cusp of tricuspid valve; Anterior cusp of right atrioventricular valve前尖(三尖弁の;右房室弁の) Cuspis anterior; Cuspis ventralis (Valva tricuspidalis)】 Anterior leaflet.
- 545_03【Right atrioventricular orifice; Right atrioventricular opening右房室口;右心室静脈口 Ostium atrioventriculare dextrum; Ostium venosum ventriculi dextri】 Openings between the atria and ventricles.
- 545_04【Posterior cusp of tricuspid valve後尖(三尖弁の) Cuspis posterior; Cuspis dorsalis (Valva tricuspidalis)】
- 545_05【Anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle前乳頭筋(右心室の) Musculus papillaris anterior (Ventriculus dexter)】 Largest papillary muscle, located anteriorly and often overlying the septomarginal trabecula. It is connected with the anterior and posterior cusps.
- 545_06【Trabeculae carneae of right ventricle肉柱(右心室の) Trabeculae carneae (Ventriculus dexter)】
- 545_07【Left atrioventricular orifice; Left atrioventricular opening左房室口 Ostium atrioventricularis sinistrum】 Openings between the atria and ventricles.
- 545_08【Sinus of pulmonary trunk; Pulmonary trunk sinus肺動脈洞 Sinus trunci pulmonalis; Sinus arteria pulmonalis】 Three dilations in the wall of the pulmonary trunk over the roots of the semilunar cusps.
- 545_09【Pulmonary valve; Valve of pulmonary trunk肺動脈弁 Valva trunci pulmonalis; Valvula arteriae pulmonalis】
- 545_10【Conus arteriosus; Infundibulum of right ventricle動脈円錐;漏斗(右心室の) Conus arteriosus; Infundibulum】 Funnelshaped smooth-walled outflow tract leading to the pulmonary trunk.
- 545_11【Supravalvular ridge弁上稜 Crista supravalvularis】 Ring-shaped eminence in the wall to which the commissures of semilunar cusps are attached.
Leonardo (da Vinci)'s cord
- 545_12Leonardo (da Vinci)'s cord【Septomarginal trabecula; Moderator band中隔縁柱;調節帯 Trabecula septomarginalis】 Muscular ridge that extends from the interventricular septum to the root of the anterior papillary muscle. It contains the right bundle of bundle of His.
- 545_13【Anterior interventricular sulcus前室間溝 Sulcus interventricularis anterior】 Longitudinal groove on the anterior surface of the heart overlying the interventricular septum. It transmits the anterior branch of the interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
- 545_14【Left ventricle左心室 Ventriculus sinister】