- 547_00【Aortic valve大動脈弁 Valva aortae】 Valve apparatus at the beginning of the aortic outflow tract.
- 547_01【Lunules of semilunar cusps of aortic valve半月弁半月(大動脈弁の) Lunulae valvularum semilunarium (Valvae aortae)】 Crescent-shaped areas on both sides of the nodules of semilunar cusps.
- 547_02【Membranous part of interventricular septum膜性部;膜部(心室中隔の) Pars membranacea septi interventricularis】 Short, thin, fibrous portion of the upper part of the interventricular septum near the exit of the aorta. It arises from endocardium.
- 547_03【Right coronary artery右冠状動脈 Arteria coronaria dextra; Arteria coronaria cordis dextra】 It travels in the right coronary sulcus and arises near the right aortic sinus.
- 547_04【Right semilunar cusp of aortic valeve; Right coronary cusp of aortic valve右半月弁;右冠尖;前半月帆(大動脈弁の) Valvula semilunaris dextra; Valvula coronaria dextra (Valva aortae)】
- 547_05【Muscular part of interventricular septum筋性部;筋部(心室中隔の) Pars muscularis (Septum interventriculare)】
"Arantius, Bodies of; Valsalva, Nodules of
- 547_06Arantius, Bodies of; Valsalva, Nodules of【Nodules of semilunar cusps of aortic valve半月弁結節(大動脈弁の) Noduli valvularum semilunarium valvae aortae】 Nodules in the middle of each free margin of a semilunar cusp. They close off the wedge-shaped space between the three cusps on closure.
→(アランチウス小体とかアランチウス結節とよばれる。 大動脈弁の半月弁結節は各弁の自由縁中央の小結節で、3弁が閉じたときにその間を密にする。Arantius, Giulio Cesare (Arantio) (1530-1589)イタリアの医学者・解剖学者。ボローニア大学の外科・内科・解剖学の教授。胎児の解剖書""De humano foetu"" (1571刊)で心臓の卵円孔、動脈管、静脈間を記す。アランチウス小体(心臓の弁尖につく軟骨)を記述。また彼は骨盤異常を最初に記述した(1583年)。)
- 547_07【Posterior semilunar cusp of aortic valve; Noncoronary cusp of aortic valve後半月弁;無冠尖;右半月帆(大動脈弁の) Valvula semilunaris posterior; Valvula non coronaria (Valva aortae)】
- 547_08【Left coronary artery左冠状動脈 Arteria coronaria sinistra; Arteria coronaria cordis sinistra】 It arises near the left aortic sinus.
- 547_09【Left semilunar cusp of aortic valve; Left coronary cusp of aortic valve左半月弁;左冠尖;左半月帆(大動脈弁の) Valvula semilunaris sinistra; Valvula coronaria sinistra (Valva aortae)】
- 547_10【Anterior cusp of mitral valve; Anterior cusp of left atrioventricular valve; Anterior cusp of bicuspid valve前尖(僧帽弁の;左房室弁の) Cuspis anterior (Valva mitralis)】 Anterior leaflet situated near the septum.
- 547_11【Myocardium心筋層 Myocardium】 It is composed of transversely striated muscle cells, local collections of smooth-muscle cells, and the conducting system of heart.