- 963_00【Femoral region大腿部 Regio femoris】 Thigh region.
- 963_01【Gluteus maximus muscle大殿筋;大臀筋 Musculus gluteus maximus】 o: Ilium, behind the posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, i: Fascia lata, iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity, lateral femoral intermuscular septum, linea aspera. Extension, lateral rotation, abduction, and adduction at the hip joint. I: Inferior gluteal nerve.
- 963_02【Piriformis muscle梨状筋 Musculus piriformis】 o: Anterior surface of sacrum, i: Greater trochanter, medial aspect of the apex. Abduction, extension, and lateral rotation at the hip joint. 1: Sacral plexus.
- 963_03【Inferior gluteal nerve下殿神経;下臀神経 Nervus gluteus inferior】 Nerve arising from L5-S2 that travels through the infrapiriform foramen and supplies the gluteus maximus.
- 963_04【Obturator internus muscle; Internal obturator muscle内閉鎖筋 Musculus obturator internus】 o: Internal surface of obturator membrane and surrounding area, i: Trochanteric fossa of greater trochanter. Lateral rotation, abduction, adduction. I: Sacral plexus.
- 963_05【Gemellus muscles双子筋 Musculi gemellus】
- 963_06【Sciatic nerve坐骨神経 Nervus ischiadicus】 Thickest nerve in the body, arising from L4-S3. It leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen distal to the piriformis and descends lateral to the ischial tuberosity, than travels deep to the gluteus maximus and long head of biceps femoris.
- 963_07【Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh; Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve後大腿皮神経;後皮神経(大腿の) Nervus cutaneus femoris posterior】 Nerve arising from SI-S3 that travels through the greater sciatic foramen distal to the piriformis and supplies the skin on the posterior side of the thigh as well as the proximal part of the leg.
- 963_08【Perineal branches of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh; Perineal branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve会陰枝(後大腿皮神経の) Rami perineales (Nervus cutaneus femoris posterior)】 Branches that ramify at the inferior border of the gluteus maximus and then continue below the ischial tuberosity medially to the scrotum (labia), sending an ascending branch as far as the coccyx.
→(後大腿皮神経の会陰枝は臀部で後大腿皮神経の本幹から分かれ膝腱筋群(ハムストリング筋hamstring muscles)起始部の浅層を横切って会陰部の陰嚢または大陰唇の皮膚に分布するものをいう。)
- 963_09【Inferior clunial nerves; Inferior cluneial nerves下殿皮神経;下臀皮神経 Nervi clunium inferiores】 Cutaneous branches ascending along the inferior margin of the gluteus maximus.
- 963_10【Muscular branches of sciatic nerve筋枝(坐骨神経の) Rami musculares (Nerve ischiadicus)】
- 963_11【Biceps femoris muscle大腿二頭筋 Musculus biceps femoris】 Two-headed muscle arising from the pelvis and femur, i: Head of fibula. Flexion at the knee joint, lateral rotation.
- 963_12【Long head of biceps femoris muscle長頭(大腿二頭筋の) Caput longum (Musculus biceps femoris)】 o: Ischial tuberosity. Extension at the hip joint. I: Tibial nerve.
- 963_13【Tibial nerve脛骨神経 Nervus tibialis】 Second terminal branch of the sciatic nerve arising from L4-S3. It travels through the popliteal fossa, passes deep to the tendinous arch of the soleus, and accompanies the posterior tibial artery around the medial malleolus to the sole of the foot.
- 963_14【Semitendinosus muscle半腱様筋 Musculus semitendinosus】 o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Medial surface of tibia. Extension at the hip joint. Flexion and medial rotation at the knee joint. I: Tibial nerve.
- 963_15【Semimembranosus muscle半膜様筋 Musculus semimembranosus】 o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Medial condyle of tibia and oblique popliteal ligament. It is partly covered by the semitendinosus muscle. Extension at the hip joint; flexion and medial rotation at the knee joint. Tenses the knee joint capsule. I: Tibial nerve.
- 963_16【Medial sural cutaneous nerve内側腓腹皮神経 Nervus cutaneus surae medialis】 Nerve given off by the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa that descends subfascially lateral to the small saphenous vein and joins the sural communicating branch to form the sural nerve.
→(脛骨神経より起こり、膝窩へ入り、小伏在静脈の外側で筋膜下を下行する。腓腹神経との交通枝と合し、腓腹神経となる。 (Feneis))
- 963_17【Muscular branches of tibial nerve筋枝(脛骨神経の) Rami musculares nervus fibularis profundus; Rami musculares nervus tibialis】 Branches to the gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, and deep flexors of the leg.
- 963_18【Gluteus medius muscle中殿筋;中臀筋 Musculus gluteus medius】 o: Lateral surface of ilium, i: Greater trochanter. Abduction, medial and lateral rotation, extension, and flexion at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve.
- 963_19【Superior gluteal nerve上殿神経;上臀神経 Nervus gluteus superior】 Nerve arising from L451 that passes through the greater sciatic foramen cranial to the piriformis and then between the gluteus medius and minimus to the tensor muscle of fascia lata, which it supplies as well as the above-mentioned muscles.
- 963_20【Tensor fasciae latae muscle; Tensor muscle fasciae latae大腿筋膜張筋 Musculus tensor fasciae latae】 o: Near the anterior superior iliac spine, i: Above the iliotibial tract to the lateral tibial condyle. Tenses the fascia lata; flexion, abduction, medial rotation, and extension at the knee joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve.
- 963_21【Gluteus minimus muscle小殿筋;小臀筋 Musculus gluteus minimus】 o:Ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, i: Greater trochanter. Abduction, medial, and lateral rotation, flexion, and extension at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve.
- 963_22【Greater trochanter of femur大転子(大腿骨の) Trochanter major】 Large prominence on the superolateral aspect of the femur for attachment of the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and piriformis muscles.
- 963_23【Quadratus femoris muscle大腿方形筋 Musculus quadratus femoris】 o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Intertrochanteric crest. Lateral rotation and adduction. I: Sacral plexus.
- 963_24【Adductor magnus muscle大内転筋 Musculus adductor magnus】 o: Inferior pubic ramus, ramus of ischium. i: Medial lip of linea aspera and, via a long tendon, the medial epicondyle. Adduction, lateral rotation, and extension at the hip joint. I: Obturator and tibial nerves.
- 963_25【Short head of biceps femoris muscle短頭(大腿二頭筋の) Caput breve (Musculus biceps femoris)】 o: Lateral lip of linea aspera. I: Common fibular nerve.
Maissiat, Bandelette of
- 963_26Maissiat, Bandelette of【Iliotibial tract腸脛靱帯 Tractus iliotibialis】 Vertically oriented lateral thickening of the fascia lata extending from the anterior part of the iliac crest to the lateral condyle of the tibia. It receives fibers from the tensor muscle of the fascia lata and the gluteus maximus.
- 963_27【Articular branch of sciatic nerve関節枝(坐骨神経の) Ramus articularis (Nerve ischiadicus)】
- 963_28【Common fibular nerve; Common peroneal nerve総腓骨神経 Nervus fibularis communis; Nervus peroneus communis】 Branch of the sciatic nerve arising from L4-S2. It accompanies the tendon of the biceps femoris to posterior to the head of fibula and then crosses obliquely forward between the skin and the fibula.
- 963_29【Lateral sural cutaneous nerve外側腓腹皮神経;腓側腓腹皮神経 Nervus cutaneus surae lateralis; Nervus cutaneus surae fibularis】 Nerve given off in the popliteal fossa that supplies the skin of the lateral side of the leg as well as the upper two-thirds of its posterior side.
- 963_30【Gastrocnemius muscle腓腹筋 Musculus gastrocnemius】 Superficial leg muscle composed of the following two heads. Flexion at the knee joint, plantar flexion and supination at the ankle joint.