- 525_01【Flexor digitorum longus muscle長趾屈筋;長指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor digitorum longus】 o: Tibia, i: Distal phalanges of the second through fifth toes. Plantar flexion, supination, flexion of toes. I: Tibial nerve.
Achilles tendon
- 525_02Achilles tendon【Calcaneal tendon踵骨腱;下腿三頭筋腱;アキレス腱 Tendo calcaneus; Tendo musculus tricipitis surae】 Tendon of the triceps surae that attaches on the calcaneal tuberosity.
- 525_03【Tibialis anterior muscle前脛骨筋 Musculus tibialis anterior】 o:Lateral surface of tibia, interosseous membrane, deep fascia of leg. i: Medial aspects of medial cuneiform and first metatarsal. Dorsiflexion and supination of foot. I: Deep fibular nerve.
- 525_04【Medial surface of fibula内側面;脛側面(腓骨の) Facies medialis; Facies tibialis】 Surface of the shaft facing the tibia between the anterior and interosseous borders.
- 525_05【Superior extensor retinaculum of foot上伸筋支帯[足の];下腿横靱帯 Retinaculum musculorum extensorum superius pedis; Ligamentum transversum cruris】 Transverse thickening of the deep fascia of the leg that is about two fingers' width and holds the extensor tendons in place.
→(足の上伸筋支帯(下腿横靱帯lig. Transversum cruris)は下腿筋膜の下部が厚くなったもので、伸筋の筋と腱の移行部を被って内果と外果のやや上方で脛骨と腓骨につき、後方は深下腿筋膜に移行する。)
- 525_06【Tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior後脛骨筋の腱鞘 Vagina tendinis musculi tibialis posterioris】 Tendon sheath surrounding the tibialis posterior beneath the flexor retinaculum. It begins where it is crossed by the flexor digitorum longus.
- 525_07【Tendinous sheath of tibialis anterior前脛骨筋の腱鞘 Vagina tendinis musculi tibialis anterior】 Tendon sheath of the tibialis anterior that already begins beneath the extensor retinaculum.
- 525_08【Inferior extensor retinaculum of foot下伸筋支帯[足の];下腿十字靱帯 Retinaculum musculorum extensorum inferius pedis; Ligamentum cruciforme cruris】 Thickened portions of the deep fascia of the leg that extend as cruciate bands from both malleoli to the opposite margins of the foot.
- 525_09【Subcutaneous bursa of medial malleolus内果皮下包;脛骨踝皮下包 Bursa subcutanea malleoli medialis】 Bursa situated between the skin and the medial malleolus.
- 525_10【Tendinous sheath of extensor hallucis longus長母趾伸筋の腱鞘;長母指伸筋腱鞘(足の) Vagina tendinis musculi extensoris hallucis longi】 Sheath surrounding the long extensor tendon of the great toe beneath the extensor retinaculum and further to distal.
- 525_11【Tibialis anterior tendon前脛骨筋腱 Tendo musculus tibialis anterior】
- 525_12【Subtendinous bursa of tibialis anterior前脛骨筋の腱下包;前脛骨筋腱包 Bursa subtendinea musculi tibialis anterior】 Bursa situated between the tendon and the medial cuneiform.
- 525_13【Abductor hallucis muscle母趾外転筋;母指外転筋(足の) Musculus abductor hallucis】 o: Calcaneal tuberosity. i: Medial sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of great toe. Medial abduction, supports longitudinal arch of foot. I: Medial plantar nerve.
→(母趾外転筋は踵骨隆起の内側突起、屈筋支帯および足底腱膜から起始する。腱となり内側種子骨を介して母趾の基節骨底内側面および短母趾屈筋の内側腱に停止する。内側足底神経の支配を受ける。この筋の収縮は母趾の屈筋と外転とをもたらす(体重を支えていない下肢の場合)。また、体重を支えている下肢においては、この筋の収縮が内側縦足弓の維持に役立つ。 )
- 525_14【Flexor hallucis brevis muscle短母趾屈筋;短母指屈筋(足の) Musculus flexor hallucis brevis】 o: Cuneiform (I), long plantar ligament, tendon of tibialis posterior, plantar aponeurosis. Forms the groove for the flexor hallucis longus. Plantar flexion of great toe. I: Medial plantar nerve.
- 525_15【Tendinous sheath of flexor hallucis longus長母趾屈筋の腱鞘;長母指屈筋の腱鞘(足の) Vagina tendinum musculi flexoris hallucis longi】 Tendon sheath surrounding the long flexor tendon of the great toe, extending to the proximal end of the sole of the foot, where it crosses under the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus.
- 525_16【Tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus長指屈筋の腱鞘(足の);長趾屈筋の腱鞘 Vagina tendinum musculi flexoris digitorum longi】 Tendon sheath surrounding the long flexors of the toes, located posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus and covered by the flexor retinaculum.
- 525_17【Flexor retinaculum of foot屈筋支帯[足の];破裂靱帯 Retinaculum musculorum flexorum pedis; Ligamentum laciniatum】 Multilayered band situated over the long flexor tendons passing from the medial malleolus to the calcaneus. Its superficial portion invests the tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery and veins. Its deep portion forms an osteofascial canal with compartments containing the posterior tibial flexor muscles, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus.