- 573_01【Right common carotid artery右総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis dextra】
- 573_01a【Common carotid artery総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis】 Artery of the neck without any branches. It runs on both sides of the trachea and larynx and passes deep to the sternocleidomastoid. It arises on the right from the brachiocephalic trunk and on the left from the aortic arch.
- 573_02【Left subclavian artery左鎖骨下動脈 Arteria subclavia sinistra】
- 573_02a【Subclavian artery鎖骨下動脈 Arteria subclavia】 Artery that passes with the roots of brachial plexus between the anterior and middle scalene muscles through the scalene space, over the first rib in the groove for the subclavian artery. From the lateral border of the first rib, it continues as the axillary artery.
- 573_03【Mediastinal branches of internal thoracic artery縦隔枝;前縦隔動脈(内胸動脈の) Rami mediastinales arteria thoracicae internae; Arteriae mediastinales ventrales】 Branches supplying the mediastinum.
- 573_04【Internal thoracic artery内胸動脈 Arteria thoracica interna】 Artery arising from the subclavian artery and descending along the anterior inner side of the thorax to the diaphragm.
- 573_05【Perforating branches of internal thoracic artery貫通枝(内胸動脈の);貫通動脈 Rami perforantes (Arteria thoracica interna); Arteria perforantes】 Vessels that penetrate the first through sixth intercostal spaces, passing to the surface of the thorax.
- 573_06【Sternal branches of internal thoracic artery胸骨枝(内胸動脈の) Rami sternales (Arteria thoracica interna)】 Branches to the sternum.
- 573_07【Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery; Anterior intercostal arteries前肋間枝;肋間枝(内胸動脈の);前肋間動脈 Rami intercostales anterior; Rami intercostales; Arteriae intercostales anterior】 Anterior tributaries passing into the intercostal spaces.
- 573_08【Pericardiacophrenic artery; Anterior bronchial artery心膜横隔動脈;前気管支動脈 Arteria pericardiacophrenica】 It accompanies the phrenic nerve and supplies the pericardium and diaphragm.
- 573_09【Musculophrenic artery筋横隔動脈 Arteria musculophrenica】 Artery running posterior to the costal arch and giving off the remaining anterior intercostal branches from the seventh intercostal space onward.
- 573_10【Superior epigastric artery上腹壁動脈 Arteria epigastrica superior】 Continuation of the internal thoracic artery after it enters the abdominal cavity between the sternal and costal parts of diaphragm (Larrey's cleft = sternocostal triangle).
- 573_11【Rectus abdominis muscle腹直筋 Musculus rectus abdominis】 o: Fifth to seventh costal cartilages, xiphoid process, i: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis. Anterior flexion of the trunk, lowering of the thorax, and elevation of the pelvis. 1: Thoracic nerves T7-T12.
- 573_12【Internal oblique muscle; Internal abdominal oblique muscle内腹斜筋 Musculus obliquus internus abdominis】 o:Thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, inguinal ligament, i: Tenth to twelfth ribs and rectus sheath. Flexes the trunk, elevates the pelvis, raises intra-abdominal pressure, bends laterally, and rotates the trunk to the ipsilateral side. I: Intercostal nerves of the eighth through twelfth ribs, iliohypogastric nerve, and ilioinguinal nerve.
Fuhrer’s artery
- 573_13Fuhrer’s artery【Ascending branch of deep circumflex iliac artery上行枝(深腸骨回旋動脈の) Ramus ascendens (Arteria circumflexa iliaca profunda)】 Ascending artery that passes between the transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles of abdomen to the McBumey's point. It anastomoses with the iliolumbar artery.
- 573_14【Deep circumflex iliac artery; Deep iliac circumflex artery深腸骨回旋動脈 Arteria circumflexa iliaca profunda】 Artery that curves posterolaterally beneath the transversalis fascia along the iliac crest.
- 573_15【Inferior epigastric artery下腹壁動脈 Arteria epigastrica inferior】 It arises dorsally from the inguinal ligament and ascends to the inner surface of the rectus abdominis. producing the lateral umbilical fold. It anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery.
- 573_16【External iliac artery外腸骨動脈 Arteria iliaca externa】 Second branch of the common iliac artery, which continues as the femoral artery.
- 573_17【Brachiocephalic trunk腕頭動脈 Truncus brachiocephalicus】 It arises at the beginning of the aortic arch and divides behind the right sternoclavicular joint into the right subclavian artery and right common carotid artery.
- 573_18【Transversus thoracis muscle; Transverse thoracic muscle胸横筋 Musculus transversus thoracis】 o: Medial surface of the body of sternum and xiphoid process, i: Second to sixth costal cartilages. I: Intercostal nerves.
- 573_19【Diaphragm横隔膜 Diaphragma】 Dome-shaped musculofibrous septum dividing thoracic and abdominal cavities. I: Phrenic nerve.
- 573_20【Transversus abdominis muscle; Transverse abdominal muscle腹横筋 Musculus transversus abdominis】 Inner surface of the seventh through twelfth costal cartilages, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, inguinal ligament, i: Rectus sheath, linea semilunaris. I: Intercostal nerves 7-12, iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral nerve.
- 573_21【Rectus sheath腹直筋鞘 Vagina musculi recti abdominis】 Investing layer of the rectus abdominis that is formed by the aponeuroses of the flat abdominal muscles.
Douglas, Semicircular line of
- 573_22Douglas, Semicircular line of【Arcuate line of rectus sheath弓状線;半環状線(腹直筋鞘の) Linea arcuata vaginae; Linea semicireularis(Musculi recti abdominis)】 Caudal end of the posterior layer of the rectus sheath.
→(ダグラス線とも呼ばれる。腹直筋鞘後面の弓状線をさす。上前腸骨棘のレベルで腹直筋鞘後面が消失するさいに、同面の下端部に自由縁(弓状線)が生じる。この部位より下腹壁動静脈が腹直筋鞘内に入り、上行して上腹壁動静脈枝と吻合することになる。弓状線は個体によっては、はっきりした弓状の線になっていないことも多い。またその高さもまちまちで、臍の下方0.5~7cmの範囲にわたるといわれる。弓状線の成因については次の諸説がある。①胎児期の膀胱の位置と緩解があるとする説(Gegenbaur)、②下腹壁動静脈の通路のために存在するとする説(Henle)、③胎生期に臍動脈を保護するための装置とする説(K.A. Douglas)、④腹膜の鞘状突起が腹壁を破って出ることに関係するとの説(Eisler)など。スコットランドの内科医・解剖学者James Douglas (1675-1742)によって記載された。彼の名はダグラス窩にも残っている。)