- 910_01【Olfactory nerve [I]嗅神経[脳神経I] Nervi olfactorius [I]】 Collection of olfactory nerve Fibers. These enter the olfactory bulb through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. Synaptic site.
- 910_02【Internal nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve内鼻枝(前篩骨神経の) Rami nasales interni (Nervus ethmoidalis anterior)】 Branches supplying the nasal mucosa anterior to the nasal conchae and anterior nasal septum.
- 910_03【External nasal nerve; External nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve外鼻枝(前篩骨神経の);外鼻神経 Ramus nasales (Nervus ethmoidalis anterior); Nervus nasalis externus】 Branch supplying the skin of the tip of the nose and ala. It passes through the ethmoidal groove of the nasal bone.
→(鼻の先端部および鼻翼へ分布する。尾骨の篩骨溝を通る。(図解解剖学辞典 319 B))
- 910_04【Lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve; Lateral internal nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve外側鼻枝;外側前鼻枝(前篩骨神経の) Rami nasales interni laterales; Rami nasales anterior laterales】 Branches supplying the lateral wall of the nose.
- 910_05【Anterior palatine nerve前口蓋神経 Nervus palatinus anterioris】
- 910_06【Middle palatine nerve中口蓋神経 Nervus palatinus medius】
- 910_07【Posterior superior lateral nasal branches of sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion外側上後鼻枝(翼口蓋神経節の感覚根の) Rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales (Radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini)】 Up to 10 thin branches that pass through the sphenopalatine foramen to the superior and middle nasal conchae and posterior ethmoidal cells.
- 910_08【Posterior superior medial nasal branches of sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion内側上後鼻枝(翼口蓋神経節の感覚根の) Rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales (Radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini)】 Two or three branches that pass through the sphenopalatine foramen to the superior portion of the nasal septum.
- 910_09【Sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion; Ganglionic branches of maxillary nerve to pteygopalatine ganglion; Pterygopalatine nerves翼口蓋神経節の感覚根;上顎神経の神経節枝;翼口蓋神経 Radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini; Rami ganglionares nervus maxillaris ad ganglion pterygopalatinum; Nervi pterygopalatini】 Sensory fibers from the maxillary nerve that travel through the ganglion.
- 910_10【Maxillary nerve; Maxillary division [Vb; V2]上顎神経[三叉神経第2枝] Nervus maxillaris [Vb; V2]】 Second division of the trigeminal nerve. It passes though the foramen rotundum to the pterygopalatine fossa and continues through the orbital fissure into the orbit.
- 910_11【Internal carotid artery内頚動脈 Arteria carotis interna】 It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
- 910_12【Greater petrosal nerve; Parasympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion大錐体神経;翼口蓋神経節の副交感神経根;大浅錐体神経 Nervus petrosus major; Radix parasympathica pterygopalatini; Nervus petrosus superficialis major】 Nerve leaving CN VII at the geniculate ganglion as a bundle of parasympathetic fibers. It reaches the anterior surface of the petrous pyramid, passes through the foramen lacerum, and travels with the deep petrosal nerve in the pterygoid canal to the pterygopalatine ganglion.
- 910_13【Sympathetic root of ptertygopalatine ganglion; Deep petrosal nerve交感神経根;交感神経性の根;深錐体神経(翼口蓋神経節の) Radix sympathica ganglii pterygopalatini; Nervus petrosus profundus】 Postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the internal carotid plexus that travel through the ganglion.
Vidian nerve
- 910_14Vidian nerve【Nerve of pterygoid canal; Root of facial nerve翼突管神経;顔面神経根 Nervus canalis pterygoidei; Radix facialis; Radix nervi facialis】 Nerve lying in the pterygoid canal situated in the root of the pterygoid process. It contains parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers and passes to the pterygopalatine ganglion.
→(翼状突起根部の同名の管中にあり、知覚性、副交感性(顔面神経)および交感性線維を含む。翼口蓋神経節へ入る。 (Feneis))
- 910_15【Vault of pharynx咽頭円蓋 Fornix pharyngis】 Roof of the cavity of pharynx below the sphenoid.
Meckel's ganglion
- 910_16Meckel's ganglion【Pterygopalatine ganglion翼口蓋神経節;蝶口蓋神経節 Ganglion pterygopalatinum; Ganglion sphenopalatinum】 Ganglion measuring 4-5 mm that lies lateral to the sphenopalatine foramen in the pterygopalatine fossa. It contains cells for the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland and the small nasal and palatine glands.
→(『メッケル神経節』ともよばれる。翼口蓋上部に位置する副交感神経節で、ここからの節後線維は涙腺などに分布する。上顎神経に付属する神経節で翼口蓋窩に位置し上顎神経の内側にある。形は不規則扁平でその頚は4~6mmである。毛様体神経節とおなじく3根ある。そのなかで知覚根は翼口蓋神経節由来で、一部はこの神経節で終わるが、一部はそのままこれを通って鼻腔および口蓋に分布する。運動根は顔面神経から出る大錐体神経で上唾液核から出て中間神経に入った副交感線維からなり、交感根は上顎神経節から出て内頚動脈神経叢を通ってくる抗感染位からなる深錐体神経である。大錐体神経および深錐体神経は、破裂孔の頭底軟骨を貫いて頭蓋下面に達して合し、翼突管神経として翼突管中を前進して翼口蓋神経節に入る。翼口蓋神経節から出る神経は主として鼻腔後部、口蓋および眼窩の一部などに分布して、知覚および植物神経線維を与える。ドイツの解剖学者・産科医Johann Friedrich Meckel (1714-1774)によって、1748年に記載された。メッケル憩室を発見したJohann F. Meckel (1781-1833)は彼の孫にあたる。)
- 910_17【Pharyngeal opening of pharyngotympanic tube耳管咽頭口 Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae; Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae】 Funnel-shaped or slitlike opening of the auditory tube above the levator eminence at the level of the inferior nasal meatus 1 cm in front of the posterior wall of the pharynx.
→(口蓋帆拳筋の根元の上方で、後咽頭壁より1cm前方の下鼻道へ開く漏斗状の開口部。 (Feneis))
- 910_18【Palatine nerves口蓋神経 Nervi palatini】
- 910_19【Posterior inferior nasal nerves; Posterior inferior nasal branches of greater palatine nerve下後鼻枝;外側下後鼻枝;外側後鼻枝(大口蓋神経の) Rami nasales posteriores inferiores [laterales]】 Branches supplying the middle and inferior portions of the nasal passage as well as inferior nasal concha.
- 910_20【Soft palate軟口蓋;口蓋帆 Palatum molle; Velum palatinum】 Its posterior border ends with the uvula.
- 910_21【Posterior palatine nerve後口蓋神経 Nervus palatinus posterioris】