- 923_01【Superior cervical ganglion; Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion上頚神経節 Ganglion cervicale superius】 Uppermost ganglion of the sympathetic trunk, measuring about 2.5 cm in length. It lies directly beneath the cranial base between the longus capitis and posterior belly of digastric.
- 923_02【Levator scapulae muscle; Levator scapular muscle肩甲挙筋 Musculus levator scapulae】 o:Posterior tubercles of cervical vertebrae C1-C4. i: Superior angle of scapula. Raises the scapula; rotates the inferior angle of the scapula medially. I: Dorsal scapular nerve.
- 923_03【Fourth cervical nerves; C4 spinal nerve; [C4]第4頚神経 Nervus cervicalis IV; [C4]】
- 923_03a【Cervical nerves [C1-C8]頚神経[C1-C8] Nervi cervicales [C1-C8]】 The eight spinal nerves of the cervical vertebral column.
- 923_04【Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve咽頭枝(迷走神経の) Ramus pharyngeus (Nervus vagus)】 Branches radiating into the pharyngeal plexus.
- 923_05【Laryngopharyngeal branches of superior cervical ganglion喉頭咽頭枝(上頚神経節の) Rami laryngopharyngei (Ganglionis cervicalis superioris)】 Postganglionic fibers to the pharyngeal plexus.
- 923_06【Sympathetic trunk交感神経幹 Truncus sympathicus】 Chain of ganglia that are connected by nerve fibers and lie on the left and right sides of the vertebral column, extending from the base of the cranium to the coccyx.
→(脊椎全長の両脇に1本ずつの交感神経幹(神経節のためのふくらみをそなえる)が存在している。同幹の頚部領域には3個、胸部領域には11~12小、腰部領域には5個、仙骨部領域(骨盤内)には4~5個の幹神経節がある。左右の交感神経幹は脊柱に近接しており、脊柱下端の所では1個の不対神経節につながる。(求心性神経線維) 内臓からの感覚を伝える有髄性の求心性神経線維は交感神経節を素通りして、白交通枝を介して脊髄神経内に入り、その脊髄神経節が所属する髄節の高さの後根神経節の中に含まれる神経細胞体に達する。同じ細胞体からの、中枢に向かう軸索がそののち脊髄に入り、脊髄内での内臓反射路の形成にあずかったり、あるいは脳の自律神経中枢にまで上行したりする。)
- 923_07【Vagus nerve [X]迷走神経[脳神経X] Nervus vagus [X]】 Nerve arising from the fourth and fifth pharyngeal arches. It emerges from the medulla oblongata together with CN IX in the posterolateral sulcus and passes through the jugular foramen. Its distribution area extends into the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
- 923_08【Splenius cervicis muscle頚板状筋 Musculus splenius cervicis; Musculus splenius colli】 Portion of the splenius extending to the neck. o:Spinous processes of T5-T3. i: Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae C2-C1.
- 923_09【Superior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve上頚心臓枝;上心臓枝(迷走神経の) Rami cardiaci cervicales superiores; Rami cardiaci craniale】 Branches to the deep part of the cardiac nerve plexus. They are given off to by the right and left vagus, sometimes at a very high level.
- 923_10【Scalenus medius muscle; Middle scalene muscle中斜角筋 Musculus scalenus medius】 o:Transverse processes of C2-C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4-C8).
- 923_11【Superior cervical cardiac nerve上頚心臓神経;上心臓神経 Nervus cardiacus cervicalis superior】 Fibers to the cardiac plexus at the aortic arch.
- 923_12【Phrenic nerve横隔神経 Nervus phrenicus】 Nerve arising from C4 with accessory branches from C3 and C5. It lies on the anterior scalene muscle and then passes anterior to the hilum of lung to the diaphragm, with some fibers continuing into the peritoneum.
- 923_13【Scalenus anterior muscle; Anterior scalene muscle前斜角筋 Musculus scalenus anterior】 o:Transverse process of C3-C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5-C7).
- 923_14【Inferior thyroid artery下甲状腺動脈 Arteria thyroidea inferior】 Artery passing along the anterior border of the anterior scalene muscle to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and then behind the common carotid artery to the thyroid gland.
- 923_15【Middle cervical ganglion; Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion中頚神経節 Ganglion cervicale medium】 Often very small cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk at the level of C6 that lies either anterior or posterior to the inferior thyroid artery.
- 923_16【Thyrocervical trunk甲状頚動脈 Truncus thyrocervicalis】 Varying common trunk of the inferior thyroid artery, transverse cervical artery, and suprascapular artery.
- 923_17【Brachial plexus; Brachial nerve plexus腕神経叢 Plexus brachialis】 Nerve plexus formed by the ventral rami of spinal nerves C5-T1 that supplies the arm and partly also the shoulder girdle. It passes between the anterior and middle scalene muscles to the head of humerus. It can be divided into supraclavicular and infraclavicular parts.
- 923_18【Subclavian artery鎖骨下動脈 Arteria subclavia】 Artery that passes with the roots of brachial plexus between the anterior and middle scalene muscles through the scalene space, over the first rib in the groove for the subclavian artery. From the lateral border of the first rib, it continues as the axillary artery.
Bell's nerve
- 923_19Bell's nerve【Long thoracic nerve長胸神経 Nervus thoracicus longus】 Nerve arising from C5C7, piercing the middle scalene muscle, and then running on the serratus anterior, which it innervates.
→(長胸神経は第5~7頚神経由来の腕神経叢根より起こり、1本の神経となって腕神経叢および鎖骨下動静脈の後方を下行して第1肋骨の外側面を横切り腋窩に達する。そののち、この神経は前鋸筋へ向かう。『ベルの神経』:1829年、スコットランドの神経解剖学者Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842)が前鋸筋に分布するこの神経を記載した。彼の名は、1811年の「脊髄前根が運動神経で構成される」ことの報告(Bell-Magendie's law)や、1830年の顔面神経の麻痺についての報告(Bell's palsy)にも残されている。)
Boxer's muscle
- 923_20Boxer's muscle【Serratus anterior muscle前鋸筋;側鋸筋;外側鋸筋 Musculus serratus anterior; Musculus serratus lateralis】 o:First to ninth ribs, i: Inferior surface of medial border of scapula. Fixes, rotates, and lowers the scapula, draws it forward, and assists in raising the arm above the horizontal plane. I: Long thoracic nerve.
- 923_21【Superior laryngeal nerve上喉頭神経 Nervus laryngeus superior】 Nerve arising form the inferior ganglion and descending medial to the internal carotid artery to supply the larynx.
- 923_22【External branch of superior laryngeal nerve外枝(上喉頭神経の);外喉頭神経 Ramus externus (Nervus laryngeus superioris)】 Part giving off branches to the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx. It travels covered by the infrahyoid muscles to the cricothyroid muscle.
- 923_23【Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve内枝(上喉頭神経の) Ramus internus (Nervus laryngeus superioris)】 Branch piercing the thyrohyoid membrane together with the superior laryngeal artery. It extends to beneath the mucosa of the piriform recess and supplies the mucosa of the epiglottic valleculae, epiglottis, and larynx to near the rima glottidis.
- 923_24【Hyoid bone舌骨 Os hyoideum】 Bone that already begins to ossify before birth.
- 923_25【Epiglottis喉頭蓋 Epiglottis】 Elastic cartilage shaped like a shoehorn.
- 923_26【Communicating branch with recurrent laryngeal nerve; Communicating branch of internal laryngeal branch with recurrent laryngeal nerve反回神経(下喉頭神経)との交通枝;上喉頭神経内枝との交通枝(反回神経の) Ramus communicans cum nervus laryngeo recurrente; Ramus communicans ramus laryngeo interni cum nervus laryngeo recurrente; Ramus communicans cum nervo laryngeo inferiore】
→(ネッターではAnsa of Galenとなっている。)
- 923_27【Thyroid cartilage甲状軟骨 Cartilago thyroidea】 Largest laryngeal cartilage partly enclosing the others.
- 923_28【Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx; Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle下咽頭収縮筋;喉頭咽頭筋 Musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior; Musculus laryngopharyngicus】 Lower constrictor muscle arising from the larynx. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
- 923_29【Posterior branch of inferior laryngeal nerve後枝(下喉頭神経の);下喉頭神経の後枝 Ramus posterior (Nervus laryngeus inferior)】
- 923_30【Anterior branch of inferior laryngeal nerve前枝(下喉頭神経の);下喉頭神経の前枝 Ramus anterior (Nervus laryngeus inferior)】
- 923_31【Inferior laryngeal nerve下喉頭神経 Nervus laryngeus inferior】
→(反回神経の終枝。下咽頭収縮筋を貫き、声門あたりまでの粘膜と輪状甲状筋を除く全後頭を支配する。 (Feneis))
- 923_32【Trachea気管 Trachea】 Elastic tube between the larynx and bronchi.
- 923_33【Tracheal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve気管枝(反回神経の) Rami tracheales (Nervus laryngei recurrentis)】 Branches to the trachea.
- 923_34【Recurrent laryngeal nerve反回神経 Nervus laryngeus recurrens; Nervus recurrens】 Branch of the vagus nerve that extends on the right around the subclavian artery and on the left around the aortic arch. It runs in the groove between the trachea and esophagus to the Larynx. Its terminal portion penetrates the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and supplies the mucosa to about the rima glottis as well as all laryngeal muscles with the exception of the cricothyroid. It communicates with the internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve.
- 923_35【Oesophageal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve食道枝(反回神経の) Rami oesophagei】 Branches to the esophagus.
- 923_36【Middle cervical cardiac nerve中頚心臓神経;中心臓神経 Nervus cardiacus cervicalis medius】 Branch from the middle cervical ganglion to the deep portion of the cardiac plexus.
Vieussens, Anulus of
- 923_37Vieussens, Anulus of【Ansa subclavia; Subclavian ansa鎖骨下ワナ Ansa subclavia】 Loop formed by fibers from the sympathetic trunk anterior and posterior to the subclavian artery.
→(鎖骨下動脈を前後に通るワナ。 (Feneis))
- 923_38【Common carotid artery総頚動脈 Arteria carotis communis】 Artery of the neck without any branches. It runs on both sides of the trachea and larynx and passes deep to the sternocleidomastoid. It arises on the right from the brachiocephalic trunk and on the left from the aortic arch.
- 923_39【Brachiocephalic trunk腕頭動脈;無名動脈 Truncus brachiocephalicus; Arteria anonyma】 It arises at the beginning of the aortic arch and divides behind the right sternoclavicular joint into the right subclavian artery and right common carotid artery.
- 923_40【Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula胸膜頂 Cupula pleurae】 Part of the parietal pleura over the apex of lung at the superior thoracic aperture.
- 923_41【Internal thoracic artery内胸動脈;内乳動脈 Arteria thoracica interna; Arteria mammaria interna】 Artery arising from the subclavian artery and descending along the anterior inner side of the thorax to the diaphragm.